About Us

Learn New Skills to Go Ahead for Your Career

We are a technology knowledge sharing company

This project has been raised to share Cyber Security best practives to be aware of today’s threats and technologies. We exlain how attackers operate and how to defend ourselves from the same.

A place where you can achieve

All knowledge seen here will help you get into the Cyber Security field or become an even better professional.

online courses

Real innovations and a positive content to gain techie knowledge

  • Penetration Testing
  • Web attacks and defense
  • Exploit several vulnerabilities and services

Expert instruction

The instructors are well prepared to explain the best way all the courses and publications.

  • Passionate people
  • Good thinking
  • Improving and learning everyday

Free content

We are not only a courses selling company we also provide free resources for daily learning. 

  • Device configuration guides
  • Free lab set up and how to configure
  • Red team activities
  • Blue team activities

Why Choosing Our Platform

Our commitment is to provide best content quality. The goals is that after you read/watch our content you leave the site with something new learned during that day.

We dedicate time to inform ourselves, and then, share all knowledge gained and presented the best way possible.

A Better Future Starts Here

As our life style is changing and everything is turning technologically sophisticated where cars drive themselves, artifical intelligence does automatic stuff for us, and data manipulation for machine learning is devloping to make our lives easier, also,the way we study and develop our personal skill is turning online.


A Classical Education for the Future

We wanted to offer an alternative to classical education, so, you can learn yourselves with the help of well prepared instructors, this alternative is online learning. Think about this

  • No need to move from your house to learn and be stuck in traffic
  • You can learn while outsite your house from a mobile phoneor tablet

Team of Instructors

Know more about the team

Bryan Alfaro

Bryan Alfaro

CEO & Founder

Vry4n is passionate proffesional who loves technology as a whole., and also, loves learning and teaching.


Offer the best content, so, when you finish an article or a video at the end of the day you learn something new.


Spread our educational material around the world to help people improve their professional skills.