Server-side redirection vulnerabilities arise when an application takes user controllable input and incorporates it into a URL that it retrieves using a backend HTTP request.

Unvalidated redirects and forwards are possible when a web application accepts untrusted input that could cause the web application to redirect the request to a URL contained within untrusted input. By modifying untrusted URL input to a malicious site, an attacker may successfully launch a phishing scam and steal user credentials.


If no validation of the URL is specified in the “textfile” parameter, an attacker can specify an arbitrary hostname in place of

The application retrieves the specified resource, allowing the attacker to use the application as a proxy to potentially sensitive back-end services.

The application response is google page

This vulnerability allows an attacker

  • An attacker may be able to use the proxy to attack third-party systems on the Internet. The malicious traffic appears to the target to originate from the server on which the vulnerable application is running.
  • An attacker may be able to use the proxy to connect to arbitrary hosts on the organization’s internal network, thereby reaching targets that cannot be accessed directly from the Internet.
  • An attacker may be able to use the proxy to connect back to other services running on the application server itself, circumventing firewall restrictions and potentially exploiting trust relationships to bypass authentication.
  • The proxy functionality could be used to deliver attacks such as cross-site scripting by causing the application to include attacker-controlled content within its responses

Steps to exploit this vulnerability

1. Identify any request parameters that appear to contain hostnames, IP addresses, or full URLs.

2. For each parameter, modify its value to specify an alternative resource, similar to the one being requested, and see if that resource appears in the server’s response

3. Try specifying a URL targeting a server on the Internet that you control, and monitor that server for incoming connections from the application you are testing.

4. If no incoming connection is received, monitor the time taken for the application to respond. If there is a delay, the application’s back-end requests may be timing out due to network restrictions on outbound connections.

5. If you are successful in using the functionality to connect to arbitrary URLs, try to perform the following attacks

  • Determine whether the port number can be specified. For example, you might supply
  • If successful, attempt to port-scan the internal network by using a tool such as Burp Intruder to connect to a range of IP addresses and ports in sequence
  • Attempt to connect to other services on the loopback address of the application server
  • Attempt to load a web page that you control into the application’s response to deliver a cross-site scripting attack

Types of attacks

Header based

Header-based being a location-header sent from the server. The benefit with this, for an attacker’s perspective, is that the redirect always works even if Javascript is not interpreted. A server side function that gets a URL as input will follow the redirect and end up somewhere else.

Javascript based

When the redirect instead happens in Javascript it only works in scenarios where Javascript is actually executed. It might not work for server-side functions, but it will work in the victim’s web browser.

  • If the redirect happens in Javascript it might also be possible to cause a redirect to javascript:something(), which would be an XSS in itself.


When you want to allow users to sign-up with external services, such as putting up a “Login with Facebook” or “Sign up with Google”-button you may choose to implement an Oauth-flow.


Safe use of redirects and forwards can be done in a number of ways:

  • Simply avoid using redirects and forwards.
  • If used, do not allow the URL as user input for the destination.
  • Where possible, have the user provide short name, ID or token which is mapped server-side to a full target URL.
  • This provides the highest degree of protection against the attack tampering with the URL.
  • Be careful that this doesn’t introduce an enumeration vulnerability where a user could cycle through IDs to find all possible redirect targets
  • If user input can’t be avoided, ensure that the supplied value is valid, appropriate for the application, and is authorized for the user.
  • Sanitize input by creating a list of trusted URLs (lists of hosts or a regex).
  • This should be based on a white-list approach, rather than a blacklist.
  • Force all redirects to first go through a page notifying users that they are going off of your site, with the destination clearly displayed, and have them click a link to confirm.

Input Validation

When attempting to validate and sanitize user-input to determine whether the URL is safe, wherever possible you should use a built in library or function to parse the URLs, such as parse_url() in PHP, rather than rolling your own parser using regex. Additionally, make sure that you take the following into account:

  • Input starting with a / to redirect to local pages is not safe. // is a valid URL.
  • Input starting with the desired domain name is not safe. is valid.
  • Only allow HTTP(S) protocols. All other protocols, including JavaScript URIs such as javascript:alert(1) should be blocked, SSH, etc
  • Data URIs such as data:text/html,<script>alert(document.domain)</script> should be blocked
  • URIs containing CRLF characters can lead to header injection or response splitting attacks, and should be blocked.