Crunch is a utility that is used to create wordlists using letters, numbers, and symbols for every possible combination or according to specific rules.

Syntax to create the wordlist (lowercase letters, then uppercase letters, then numbers and finally symbols)

  • crunch <min-len> <max-len> [<charset string>] [options]

How to use

1. Run crunch to see help menu

  • crunch

2. See man page for help

  • man crunch

3. Generate a word list with 1 to 2 length

  • crunch 1 2

4. Generate a word list with all possible combination (VK9)

  • crunch 1 2 VK9

5. Generate the same test, but, repeat every character one time

-d 1 = Limits the number of duplicate characters. [n][@,%^]

1@ = one lowercase

1, = Uppercase

  • crunch 1 2 VK9 -d 1

6. Write the results to a file

-o wordlist.txt = Specifies the file to write the output to

  • crunch 1 2 VK9 -d 1 -o results.txt
  • cat results.txt

7. Specify a string to begin the wordlist

-s VV = Specifies a starting string

  • crunch 2 2 VK9 -s VV

8. Specify the number of lines to write

-c 3 = Specifies the number of lines to write to output file, only works if -o START is used

  • crunch 1 3 VK9 -c 3 -o results.txt
  • crunch 1 3 VK9 -c 3 -o START
  • cat results.txt

9. Specify the file size

-b 1mb = Specifies the size of the output file, only works if -o START is used

  • crunch 1 3 VK9 -b 1mb -o START

10. Generate wordlists using whole words

-p word1 word2 = Tells crunch to generate words that don’t have repeating characters.

  • crunch 3 7 -p vk9 security

11. Generating wordlists using wild cards, the size min & max should be the same

@ = lowercase letters

, = Uppercase letters

% = Numbers

^ = Symbols

-t : set a specific pattern of @,%^

  • crunch 3 3 -t vk%

12. Generate a wordlist using a pattern and wild card

  • crunch 3 3 vk9 -t @%9

13. Use literal characters instead of being a wildcard

-l = When you use the -t option this option tells crunch which symbols should be treated as literals

  • crunch 4 4 -t vk^% -l aa^a

14. Choose character sets to create the wordlists

/usr/share/crunch/charset.lst = Path to character set

  • cat /usr/share/crunch/charset.lst

  • crunch 1 2 -f /usr/share/crunch/charset.lst symbols14

15. Combining multiple charsets

  • crunch 4 6 -f /usr/share/crunch/charset.lst symbols14 -f /usr/share/crunch/charset.lst hex-lower