PHP library pChart 2.1.3 (and possibly previous versions) by default contains an examples folder, where the application is vulnerable to Directory Traversal and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

This has been taken from (

Exploiting Directory Traversal

1. Visiting the application at (, we get to the examples folder.

2. This tool can be exploited by entering the following data

  • http://localhost/examples/index.php?Action=View&Script=%2f..%2f..%2fetc/passwd

3. Now we can start looking for config files, since this server is using Apache, so, I will read that. (Note: BSD apache config is located in /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf)


Note: This config file show the user agent permitted, “Mozilla4_browser”, and a virtual host on port 8080.

Directory Traversal remediation:

1) Update to the latest version of the software.

2) Remove public access to the examples folder where applicable.

3) Use a Web Application Firewall or similar technology to filter

malicious input attempts.

Exploiting XSS

This file uses multiple variables throughout the session, and most of them are vulnerable to XSS attacks. Certain parameters are persistent throughout the session and therefore persists until the user session is active. The parameters are unfiltered.

1. From a browser navigate to


2. In there, just enter the following

  • session.php?<script>alert(‘Vry4n has been here.’)</script>
  •<script>alert(‘Vry4n has been here.’)</script>

Cross-Site Scripting remediation:

1) Update to the latest version of the software.

2) Remove public access to the examples folder where applicable.

3) Use a Web Application Firewall or similar technology to filter malicious input attempts.