In an Active Directory domain, a lot of interesting information can be retrieved via LDAP by any authenticated user (or machine). This makes LDAP an interesting protocol for gathering information in the recon phase of a pentest of an internal network. A problem is that data from LDAP often is not available in an easy to read format.

Generally, you’ll need at least the following permissions:

Read Access to Active Directory:

  • The account should have read access to the Active Directory structure to retrieve information about users, groups, and other directory objects.

Replicating Directory Changes:

  • For more detailed information, such as the last logon time of users, the account may need the “Replicating Directory Changes” permission. This permission is required for attributes that are not included in the default read access.

Administrative Privileges (Optional):

  • In some cases, ladpdumpdomain may require administrative privileges to retrieve certain information. If you’re looking to gather data on administrative groups or accounts, the account running the tool may need to be a member of a group with sufficient privileges.

Network Access:

  • Ensure that the account has the necessary network access to connect to the domain controller and query Active Directory.

Ldapdomain enum

ldapdomaindump is a tool used for dumping information from Active Directory, including user accounts, group memberships, and other relevant details, by collecting and parsing information available via LDAP and outputting it in a human readable HTML format, as well as machine readable json and csv/tsv/greppable files.

You can find the tool on GitHub or other reliable sources. (

The tool was designed with the following goals in mind:

  • Easy overview of all users/groups/computers/policies in the domain
  • Authentication both via username and password, as with NTLM hashes (requires ldap3 >=1.3.1)
  • Possibility to run the tool with an existing authenticated connection to an LDAP service, allowing for integration with relaying tools such as impackets ntlmrelayx

The tool outputs several files containing an overview of objects in the domain:

  • domain_groups: List of groups in the domain
  • domain_users: List of users in the domain
  • domain_computers: List of computer accounts in the domain
  • domain_policy: Domain policy such as password requirements and lockout policy
  • domain_trusts: Incoming and outgoing domain trusts, and their properties

As well as two grouped files:

  • domain_users_by_group: Domain users per group they are member of
  • domain_computers_by_os: Domain computers sorted by Operating System

How to use ldapdomaindum

1. Execute the script (it is pre-installed in newer Kali Linux) against the Domain Controller server

  • sudo ldapdomaindump ldaps:// -u ‘lab.local\vry4n’ -p IamAdmin123 -o data

ldapdomaindump: This is likely the name of a tool or script designed for extracting information from an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server. It’s used to query and retrieve data from an LDAP directory.

ldaps:// This specifies the LDAP server’s address and protocol. In this case, it’s using LDAPS, which is the secure version of LDAP over TLS/SSL. The server is located at the IP address

-u ‘lab.local\vry4n’: This option specifies the username to be used for authentication. The provided username is in the format domain\username, where lab.local is the domain and vry4n is the username.

-p IamAdmin123: This option specifies the password associated with the provided username. In this case, the password is set to ‘IamAdmin123’.

-o data: creates a new folder and saves the files there

2. Inspect all the files looking for users, computers, trusts, groups, policies

Post enumeration using Bloodhound

1. Set up the tool

  • sudo pip install bloodhound

2. Run neo4j

  • sudo neo4j console

3. Navigate to the address provided by neo4j,in this case http://localhost:7474/

  • username: neo4j
  • password: neo4j

Note: After logging in you might be asked to change the password

4. Download and run bloodhound

  • wget
  • unzip
  • cd BloodHound-linux-x64
  • sudo ./BloodHound –no-sandbox

4. Use your neo4j credentials

  • username: neo4j
  • password: newneo4j

5. Inject data into Bloodhound, you can use bloodhound tool for this

  • mkdir bloodhound-results
  • cd bloodhound-results
  • sudo bloodhound-python -d lab.local -u vry4n -p IamAdmin123 -ns -c all

bloodhound-python: This is a tool used for Active Directory (AD) enumeration and analysis. It helps identify attack paths, permissions, and potential security risks within an AD environment.

-d lab.local: Specifies the Active Directory domain to target, in this case, it’s set to ‘lab.local’.

-u vry4n: Specifies the username to be used for authentication. In this case, the username is ‘vry4n’.

-p IamAdmin123: Specifies the password associated with the provided username. Here, the password is set to ‘IamAdmin123’.

-ns Specifies the target Active Directory server’s IP address. It’s set to ‘’.

-c all: Specifies the collection method. In this case, ‘all’ indicates that all available data should be collected. This includes information about domains, users, groups, computers, group memberships, permissions, etc.

6. In Bloodhound click on “upload data”, selectthe .json files, click open

7. Once data is loaded it is displayed in Bloodhound, you can start your searches and mapping relationships

Post enumeration using Plumhound

1. We need to run this tool on top of Bloodhound & Neo4j which should be running ( , to set up this tool

  • git clone
  • cd PlumHound
  • sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

2. Run the tool to do a test, using neo4j password

  • sudo python3 –easy -p newneo4j

3. Make sure all the tasks completed

4. Knowing that the test completed, now you can run a task, read PlumHound documentation to know about tasks, this will create a new folder with a file

  • sudo python3 -x tasks/default.tasks -p <neo4j password>

5. Unzip and start looking at the data

  • cd reports
  • unzip

Health check with PingCastle

1. Having remote access to the computer we can run PingCastle executable, Download the tool from (

2. Using cmd or powershell run the executable

  • .\PingCastle.exe

3. Select the type of check, in this case I’ll select 1. HealthCheck, then enter the domain

4. It may take some minutes until it completes, it creates 2 files with data .html & .xml

5. opening this file we get a lot of information about the domain, and possible misconfigurations.