In an Active Directory domain, a lot of interesting information can be retrieved via LDAP by any authenticated user (or machine). This makes LDAP an interesting protocol for gathering information in the recon phase of a pentest of an internal network. A problem is that data from LDAP often is not available in an easy to read format.

ldapdomaindump is a tool which aims to solve this problem, by collecting and parsing information available via LDAP and outputting it in a human readable HTML format, as well as machine readable json and csv/tsv/greppable files.

The tool was designed with the following goals in mind:
  • Easy overview of all users/groups/computers/policies in the domain
  • Authentication both via username and password, as with NTLM hashes (requires ldap3 >=1.3.1)
  • Possibility to run the tool with an existing authenticated connection to an LDAP service, allowing for integration with relaying tools such as impackets ntlmrelayx
The tool outputs several files containing an overview of objects in the domain:
  • domain_groups: List of groups in the domain
  • domain_users: List of users in the domain
  • domain_computers: List of computer accounts in the domain
  • domain_policy: Domain policy such as password requirements and lockout policy
  • domain_trusts: Incoming and outgoing domain trusts, and their properties
As well as two grouped files:
  • domain_users_by_group: Domain users per group they are member of
  • domain_computers_by_os: Domain computers sorted by Operating System

Dependencies and installation

Requires ldap3 > 2.0, dnspython and future. ldapdomaindump runs on both python 2 and 3.

Dependencies can be installed manually with pip install ldap3 dnspython future, but should in most cases be handled by pip when you install the main package either from git or pypi.

The ldapdomaindump package can be installed with python install from the git source, or for the latest release with pip install ldapdomaindump.

  • pip3 install ldap3 dnspython future


1. To install run

  • git clone
  • cd ldapdomaindump
  • ls

2. Run help menu

  • python -h

How to use

1. Run the basic command to query the domain controller using an account. Use -o to specify where to store the data

  • python –user vk9-sec\\admin1 -p Admin.123 ldap:// -o data

2. Access the newly created folder “data” and read the files that were stored there

  • cd data
  • ls

Note: By default, it creates json, html, grep files

3. Disable JSON output, Disable Greppable output

  • python –user vk9-sec\\admin1 -p Admin.123 ldap:// -o data –no-json –no-grep

4. Resolve DNS

  • python –user vk9-sec\\admin1 -p Admin.123 ldap:// -o data –resolve

5. Open the files and start examining Users, Groups, computer, permissions and delegations


Most AD servers support NTLM authentication. In the rare case that it does not, use –authtype SIMPLE.

Output formats

By default the tool outputs all files in HTML, JSON and tab delimited output (greppable). There are also two grouped files (users_by_group and computers_by_os) for convenience. These do not have a greppable output. JSON output for grouped files is disabled by default since it creates very large files without any data that isn’t present in the other files already.

DNS resolving

An important option is the -r option, which decides if a computers DNSHostName attribute should be resolved to an IPv4 address. While this can be very useful, the DNSHostName attribute is not automatically updated. When the AD Domain uses subdomains for computer hostnames, the DNSHostName will often be incorrect and will not resolve. Also keep in mind that resolving every hostname in the domain might cause a high load on the domain controller.

Minimizing network and memory usage

By default ldapdomaindump will try to dump every single attribute it can read to disk in the .json files. In large networks, this uses a lot of memory (since group relationships are currently calculated in memory before being written to disk). To dump only the minimal required attributes (the ones shown by default in the .html and .grep files), use the –minimal switch.

Visualizing groups with BloodHound

LDAPDomainDump includes a utility that can be used to convert ldapdomaindumps .json files to CSV files suitable for BloodHound. The utility is called ldd2bloodhound and is added to your path upon installation. Alternatively you can run it with python -m ldapdomaindump.convert or with python ldapdomaindump/ if you are running it from the source. The conversion tool will take the users/groups/computers/trusts .json file and convert those to group_membership.csv and trust.csv which you can add to BloodHound. Note that these files are only compatible with BloodHound 1.x which is quite old. There are no plans to support the latest version as the project was made for this. With the DCOnly collection method this tool will also only talk to LDAP and collect more information than ldapdomaindump would.

Visualizing dump with a pretty output like enum4linux

LDAPDomainDump includes a utility that can be used to output ldapdomaindumps .json files to an enum4linux like output. The utility is called ldd2pretty and is added to your path upon installation. Alternatively you can run it with python -m ldapdomaindump.pretty or with python ldapdomaindump/ if you are running it from the source.