It allows you to analyze the SSL/TLS configuration of a server by connecting to it, in order to detect various issues (bad certificate, weak cipher suites, Heartbleed, ROBOT, TLS 1.3 support, etc.).

It is a Python tool that can analyze the SSL configuration of a server by connecting to it. It is designed to be fast and comprehensive, and should help organizations and testers identify misconfigurations affecting their SSL servers.

Key features include:

  • Multi-processed and multi-threaded scanning (it’s fast)
  • SSL 2.0/3.0 and TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 compatibility
  • Performance testing: session resumption and TLS tickets support
  • Security testing: weak cipher suites, insecure renegotiation, CRIME, Heartbleed and more
  • Server certificate validation and revocation checking through OCSP stapling
  • Support for StartTLS handshakes on SMTP, XMPP, LDAP, POP, IMAP, RDP and FTP
  • Support for client certificates when scanning servers that perform mutual authentication
  • XML output to further process the scan results

For this example, we will analyze a website certificate as well as a self-signed certificate. To create a certificate visit.


1. To download the tool (it already comes installed in most security distros)

  • git clone
  • ls -ld sslyze

You could also run these commands if you face any issues running the script

  • pip install –upgrade setuptools
  • php install –upgrade sslyze

2. Run basic help

-h, –help = show this help message and exit

  • sslyze -h

3. Check for the tool version

–version = show program’s version number and exit

  • sslyze –version

4. Updade the trust stores

–update_trust_stores = Update the default trust stores used by SSLyze. The latest stores will be downloaded from

  • sudo sslyze –update_trust_stores

How run the application

1. Perform a basic scan on a website

–regular = Regular HTTPS scan; shortcut for –sslv2 –sslv3 –tlsv1 –tlsv1_1 –tlsv1_2 –tlsv1_3 –reneg –resum –certinfo –hide_rejected_ciphers –compression –heartbleed –openssl_ccs –fallback –robot

  • sslyze –regular

2. To save the results to file run

  • sslyze –regular –json_out=results.json
  • cat results.json

To write the file and don’t print anything on the screen use –quet

–quiet = Do not output anything to stdout; useful when using –json_out

  • sslyze –regular –json_out=results.json –quiet

3. To check for a list of targets

–targets_in=TARGETS_IN = Read the list of targets to scan from the file TARGETS_IN. It should contain one host:port per line.

  • vi sites.txt
  • cat sites.txt (
  • sslyze –regular –targets_in=sites.txt

4. Run a slow and less aggressive test, but more accurate

  • sslyze –regular –slow_connection

5. Scanning for some protocols at the target

–starttls=STARTTLS = Perform a StartTLS handshake when connecting to the target server(s).

  • sslyze –starttls=auto

Types of scan

1. Scan for TLS 1.1 support

–tlsv1_1 = Test a server for TLS 1.1 support.

  • sslyze –tlsv1_1

2. Test a server for the OpenSSL CCS Injection

  • sslyze –openssl_ccs

3. Test a server for the TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV mechanism to prevent downgrade attacks.

  • sslyze –fallback

4. Test a server for SSL 3.0 support.

  • sslyze –sslv3

5. Test a server for the OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability.

  • sslyze –heartbleed

6. Test a server for the ROBOT vulnerability.

  • sslyze –robot

7. Test a server for the presence of security-related HTTP headers.

  • sslyze –http_headers

8. Test a server for TLS 1.3 early data support.

  • sslyze –early_data

9. Test a server for for insecure TLS renegotiation and client-initiated renegotiation.

  • sslyze –reneg

10. Test a server for TLS compression support, which can be leveraged to perform a CRIME attack.

  • sslyze –compression

11. Test a server for session resumption support using session IDs and TLS tickets.

  • sslyze –resum

12. Test a server for TLS 1.3 support.

  • sslyze –tlsv1_3

13. Test a server for SSL 2.0 support.

  • sslyze –sslv2

14. Retrieve and analyze a server’s certificate(s) to verify its validity.

  • sslyze –certinfo